Why My Food Intake Does Not Matter

Why My Food Intake Does Not Matter

I eat food for energy use not for taste. That’s why my food intake does not matter. In college I had to track my calories for a month. It was a giant pain in the a$$. However, it was the best experience to gain awareness of what I put in my mouth. (The cookies in the...
Old Habits Die Hard

Old Habits Die Hard

Being in between the old life and the new one is a constant battle. Old habits die hard. Once you accept where you are in this moment life gets real fun. Your new life is in the future and learning to live like it has already happened is where the lesson is. My old...
Its All Gotta End

Its All Gotta End

Its all gotta end before anything new can happen. We fear the ending of anything because it means the unknown and unfamiliar is upon us. Because we are all looking for something new and fresh is the very reason why it will never come only until we completely...
Paying For Personal Training

Paying For Personal Training

Paying for personal training may seem like something that only the upper class does. Because society hasn’t come to realIze that personal training provides the specificity needed to completely change a person’s life, the WODs are created. Going from only asking for...
Just Want To Be Heard

Just Want To Be Heard

I don’t need my name up in the lights. I just want to be heard. We all do. We want to feel heard. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve had a different perspective on things. Because we are in a time of information and experience it’s only now that it’s ok to talk about it....

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