by Jed Kobernusz | Dec 16, 2019 | Workout Of The Day
My son and daughter were both sick and I was home from work. We watched Ralph Breaks The Internet and it provoked a question I didn’t have an immediate answer for. What if the internet breaks? In the movie Ralph finds a virus and accidentally leaks it into the...
by Jed Kobernusz | Jul 21, 2019 | Workout Of The Day
Each time we decide to change either by choice or not we die. Nothing ever lasts forever because we are constantly changing. However, if you’re not aware of the changes then it’s time you woke up. This mindset coaching article will help you wake up both consciously...
by Jed Kobernusz | May 24, 2019 | Workout Of The Day
The KoberNation starts and ends with me. Having the audacity to say that has taken some time. Keeping us down is impossible. No matter what happens there will always be someone changing their life. This mindset coaching article is for the KoberNation. Keeping us down...
by Jed Kobernusz | Apr 14, 2019 | Workout Of The Day
Chronic pain is one of the leading causes of opioid addictions. Working out for pain management is what I do and what so many other people do as well. This mindset coaching article sheds some light on what other people don’t understand. Above all, it will provide...
by Jed Kobernusz | Nov 30, 2018 | Workout Of The Day
Regret is poison for the mind. My guy, Gary Vaynerchuk’s enemy is regret. Shoulda Coulda and Woulda lead to regret. Those three words are like a three-headed monster and following that monster will only lead you to the top of Regret Mountain. With this mindset...