by Jed Kobernusz | Dec 17, 2019 | Workout Of The Day
Think back to WOD #1 or even the Pretest. What abilities do you have now versus then? You are almost done with all 365 WODs. Whether it’s been 365 days consecutively or not this is a major milestone. Tomorrow, or whatever day you have planned to do the post test is...
by Jed Kobernusz | Dec 17, 2019 | Workout Of The Day
This mindset coaching article will blow your mind because it reveal the real truth of who I really am. Im a good pretender when it comes to your thoughts about me. What people think about our lives sometimes takes on its own life form and social media does not help...
by Jed Kobernusz | Apr 11, 2019 | Workout Of The Day
Ever since I was little I’ve always been going against the grain. This mindset coaching article isn’t about me though. It’s about 99% of you won’t even follow this because everyone is trying to fit in not find their true self. When people gather into one spot, like a...
by Jed Kobernusz | Apr 7, 2019 | Workout Of The Day
Kyle Cease’s Absolutely Everything Pass is amazing. He talked about failing. Jim Carrey came up. He is a favorite actor of mine. Jim Carrey says You Can Fail From What You Dont love. This mindset coaching article will increase your awareness of failing and why you can...
by Jed Kobernusz | May 22, 2018 | Workout Of The Day
While training one of my favorite clients he said, “I use to be able to do that faster.” That prompted this post and I trust he’ll read this. Stay away from the use to bees because it only leads you to shame, blame, and despair. Comparing yourself to...