Weight loss, better health, sustainable change, and the relentlessness attitude is what you’ll get with these 8 steps to break free. The 365 WOD Journey (WOD = Workout Of the Day) will provide the consistency, determination, and community that you’ve always wanted. You can do the WODs at your home, work or anywhere else. No equipment required. This 365 WOD journey starts with you. Commit yourself to do one round of a WOD for the number of days a week you’re comfortable with.
The 8 steps to break free are right below the video. Before you get to the 8 steps, consider watching the video. See how simple it is to turn a sunroom or any room in the house, into a gym within seconds.
Going through the 8 steps to break free you’ll finally be free from your old life. You’ll create a new life and be excited about it as soon as you open your eyes each day.
***Get cleared by a primary care doctor before starting any exercise program***
Step 1: Motivation – Sign up for Jed’s weekly newsletter which includes updates on awesome workouts and other motivational content that Jed finds. (Don’t worry Jed doesn’t like spam either) – JedKobernusz.com/Newsletter
Step 2: Pre-Test – Before you begin The 365 WOD Journey, begin with the Pre-Test and tell Jed Kobernusz your baseline numbers. (The Pre-Test provides you with a baseline so when those days that you think you’re wasting your time you can compare your current measurements to your baseline) – Everything will be on The 365 WOD Journey Page – Go HERE and Bookmark that link, you’re gonna need it.
Step 3: Rest – Rest the following day, if you choose to. Otherwise, proceed to Step #4. (If you’re sore, it’s ok, you’re not alone. We’ve ALL experienced muscle soreness. Listen to your body and let pain be your guide when it comes to intensity levels)
Step 4: WOD #1 – After one day of rest (If you needed one) do WOD #1 and when you’re finished tell Jed Kobernusz when you’re done (That way you’re on your way to earning your Free, WOD 365 Finisher, T-Shirt) – Find WOD #1 and all of the other WODs at JedKobernusz.com/The365WODJourney (See a pattern here? You may want to bookmark that link)
Step 5: WOD #2 – Either rest another day and then complete WOD #2 (don’t forget to let Jed Kobernusz know that you’ve finished your next WOD because he’s there to help you be accountable) or get a WOD done every day, there’s no right way, there’s no wrong way, there’s only YOUR way. (*The only “wrong” way would be to NOT do the WODs) – Find ALL of Jed’s WODs at JedKobernusz.com/The365WODJourney
Step 6: Determination – Determine how many days a week you can keep this up for and commit to it! (This step is crucial for a sustainable amount of change. Don’t bite off more than you can chew, it’s ok to start small)
Step 7: #KoberNation – Become a part of the #Kobernation by sharing the WOD link to your social media platform of choice, joining The KoberNation Facebook Group and using the hashtag #Kobernation each time you complete a WOD (You’re a part of the #Kobernation as soon as you complete your first WOD) The KoberNation is our community of people who are going through the same struggles you are. As a community, we all support one another each and every day.
Step 8: Finish – Repeat until WOD #365, When you’re done and you’ve let Jed Kobernusz know every time you’ve completed a WOD he’ll send you the WOD 365 Finisher T-Shirt. If you’re truly committed, find out how to get a free WOD Finisher Hoodie. Go HERE for all the details.
So, with these 8 steps to break free, you’ll create three VERY important components for a healthy lifestyle which are…
Consistency, Determination, and Community
Have fun!
You Got This!
Always remember…
If you’re willing to change from the neck up, then you WILL change from the neck down.
I believe in you, not it’s your turn to start believing in yourself.
Stay safe out there.