WOD #13

Workout using a chair

This WOD is all about sitting. Those of you who like to sit and are experts at it you’re in for a treat. This workout will show you more things to do with your bum other than sitting. A workout using a chair will definitely challenge you in ways you’re not use to. Therefore you’ll need to really watch the video that goes along with this workout.

You can use any chair for this workout. However, let’s go out on a limb and say you don’t have one. A person could even skip using a chair all together. It really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

Always let pain be your guide! Muscle soreness is common, but joint pain is NOT! Be VERY mindful of what KIND of pain you are having!

Workout Of The Day (WOD) #13 Workout Using A Chair:

1-6 Rounds

  • Side Lunges Using A Chair- 10 reps per side
  • Chair Superman’s- 10 reps
  • Chair Back Lunges- 10 reps per side
  • Full Body Extensions- Go for 30 seconds

Let me know how you like it!

If you want more ideas GO HERE for other searches for a Workout Using A Chair

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And Always Remember…

If you are willing to change from the neck up, then you WILL change from the neck down!

I believe in YOU!

Now it’s YOUR turn!

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