Music videos give me some deep insight. Let The Games Begin by AJR really struck me one day. Because we all try too hard and overthink everything is the insight I received on this day. Making a small tweak to what you’re doing can be all then difference to what you’re looking for. Let’s break it down and you’ll find out that you’re just short of breaking through.
In the first part of the video the carrot guy is trying to hand out fliers and people aren’t noticing him. That’s just the same with beginning any journey. No one notices any of the work you’re putting in. You’re working so hard but it feels like nothing is happening.
All you see is how easy it is for other people to get it right “the first time.” However, what you’re not seeing is the hard work of those people behind the scenes. Plus, forget about them anyway. They don’t matter.
When all seems lost and you’re completely out of ideas and motivation, that is when “it” comes. If you watch the video, you’ll see a simple tweak to the Carrot guy in which the change brings him what he was looking for. Inspiration comes when you completely surrender any possibility of doubt. Then it comes flowing like a fast moving river.
The Carrot guy sees an old commercial for carrots and is dancing in the simplest way. That small tweak made all the difference. Because life works in mysterious ways, the same will happen for you when you surrender everything. Surrender all doubt that you can’t do it any longer. In other words, stop something or start doing something differently. Doing “it” different is key.
Then putting yourself out there without worrying about what others think because you know fully that you are being your true self. That’s what happened to me when I stopped trying to convince people to do the WODs. Actually I told them not to do them because it will change their life forever.
I’m conclusion, I challenge you to surrender all of your doubt and stop trying to damn hard and let the games begin. See what happens next and become very still. Notice life for what it is and love the moment. You won’t believe that it was that easy.
Have Fun!
You Got This KoberNation!
PS: If you found this WOD provided value, consider giving an At-Will Offering. Because then I can keep helping. Go Here To Give. Thank you for your time, attention and generosity.
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Let The Games Begin | Workout Of The Day (WOD) #360 | Hips And Lower Back
Warm Up- 5 Minutes Cardio
1-6 Rounds
- Hydrant Kicks – Go For 1 Minute
- Mule Kick – Single Or Double Leg – Go For 1 Minute
- Bridges – Go For 1 Minute
- Clam Shells – Go For 1 Minute Each Side
Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Each Pose – Down Dog, Child’s Pose, Up Dog Pose, Down Dog Pose
If you have any suggestions or any questions for me with this post or want to know more about my services, consider sending me an email at [email protected].
Thank You For Your Attention Because It’s The Oxygen That Keeps The KoberNation Alive
Jed Kobernusz – ACSM-EPC, CEAS-I, FMS, NFPT-MS
Certified Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Email: [email protected]
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