When working out we ALL look at that clock whether we are at the gym or at home. Well today’s timed total body workout won’t have you moving for very long, but you WILL be burning fat and loving every minute of it.

Tons of people search workout routines online, but what’s crazy to me is that they only go for 90 days… AT MOST…

What people search is amazing to me too. Things like full body workout to workout plan to leg workouts. Now, don’t get me wrong…

My Way Isn’t The Sexiest Way, But It’s The Most PERMANENT

Today’s WOD is like all of them, a home workout that will help you burn fat, believe in yourself MORE and retrain your brain to think you CAN!

Total body workout routines are everywhere, but do they provide modifications and come from a reliable resource?

Most of the time NO…

They just have some meathead in front of the camera lifting weights and making you feel like a little twerp.

Another things today’s WOD provides is a total body workout at home. Heck you don’t even have to be AT home…

I know you see me using a “bar” to show you some of the workouts, but you don’t even need the bar. Total body workout bodyweight style is JUST as if not MORE effective.

The bar is just a point of reference. I don’t use ANY weight at all. I simply use my bodyweight as resistance and work on controlling my core.

So with that let’s get to work shall we?

Here it is…

WOD #114 Timed Total Body Workout

I had to edit in the last part b/c my phone cut out… LOL



  • Squat, Curl, Press, Triceps Extension
  • Thigh Taps
  • Static Lunges
  • Shoulder Taps

You Got This!

Have a Fantastic Day!

Always remember…

If you are willing to change from the neck up, then you WILL change from the neck down!

I believe in YOU!

Now it’s YOUR turn!

In the Video below I show you exactly what to do, WITH modifications. If you are looking for more of a 1:1 experience, then email me at [email protected] and let’s talk about what that looks like for you. 🙂

WOD #114 Timed Total Body Workout

WOD #114 Timed Total Body WorkoutI had to edit in the last part b/c my phone cut out… LOLBut I'm pretty dang proud of how my kids are taking in the information that I am presenting to the world…Molly ends the video… She's pretty dang cute… But ALL parents say they about their kids…I just think they are EXTRA cute… 😉 LOLConsider sharing if you found value…#Stayblessed~ Jed Kobernusz

Posted by Jed Kobernusz on Friday, June 10, 2016

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Jed Kobernusz
Jed Kobernusz – B.Sc.-Ex. Sc.
Movement Coach

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PS: For just a couple bucks a day, let me guide you through an exclusive process with TREMENDOUS results and the best part is that I’ve used it and I KNOW it will benefit you too… Click Here To Get Started 

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