Today I see it all over, from work to home, people looking for more quick weight loss tips. When I see how many times people search this topic, it’s incredible to me. In one single day, quick weight loss is search 670 times. That might not be much, but think about how many times you use google each day to look something up and imagine that at LEAST once a day you searched more quick weight loss tips in hopes of finding a better way.
Google has changed our way of thinking forever. Gary Vaynerchuk has taught me MANY things, but one thing has stuck out lately and is forever tattooed this in my mind…
Don’t Ever Fight The Market, Because The Market Always Wins
Not truly accepting that I’m a business owner or “business” minded person, until recently, I’ve been fighting the market. Meaning that I’ll “be different” and change the world by working against the grain.
When I realized that my “stuff” isn’t any better than anyone else’s stuff out there, that’s when everything started to take off. People would start asking me for more quick weight loss tips and I’d have answers because I stopped fighting the market with my long winded explanations of why we need to make small changes and it takes YEARS to actually make PERMANENT changes (Which both of those are still true)
I find ways to trick people into thinking that there are more quick weight loss tips out, when in all reality they are the same message as before, just broken down to bite size changes.
Some people do very well with being consistent and some don’t. There are people out there that crave the same thing over and over and over and over. That’s just not me and I love the fact that people are like that and I deliver. Therefore they think that each WOD that I create is mostly the same movements. (But they’er not wink wink)
Determination is something that other’s either have or they don’t. This level of understanding can be very hard to assess, but is important when talking about this topic of quick weight loss. Determination is something that gives you purpose. A great tip for weight loss is to determine what works for you and do more of that. Why would you want to eat foods you don’t enjoy and restrict yourself from the ones that you do?
Other people need constant praise and need to be held accountable to a group of people which
includes themselves. Those people also need to know that the more quick weight loss tips come in the form of community. They share what works for them and try to inspire others. This is human nature at it’s finest. We all want to feel like we are a part of something bigger than ourselves. A quick weight loss tip would be to find people that make you feel good about yourself and ditch those who don’t.
After all that here are 8 Tips to help you with your search for quick weight loss tips:
1. Eat a high-protein breakfast.
2. Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice.
3. Drink water a half hour before meals.
4. Choose weight loss-friendly foods
5. Eat soluble fiber.
6. Drink coffee or tea.
7. Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods.
8. Eat your food slowly.
In conclusion there are three things here for more quick weight loss tips. Consistency, Determination and Community. Those three things will get you to where you want to be when it comes to weight loss. Think of those three things like three pistons running in sync of one another. When one of them is off, the proverbial engine isn’t running right. Therefore a little “tune-up” is in order.
Where to go for the said tune-up?
If this is your first encounter with my “stuff”, then I suggest you go to the WOD Cheat Sheet and get your base line measurements. Or, consider hiring me as your Personal Exercise Physiologist for a more specific approach, send me an email at [email protected]
If you’re totally right here with me already, then let’s get going with WOD #231 and get more quick weight loss tips by watching the video and DOING your daily WOD. Because the doing is where the fun happens to be.
Have Fun!
You Got This!
PS: Want more motivation? Tired of the same old crummy routine of life? Rather then going to another newsletter you won’t ACTUALLY read, hop on mine to get your weekly dose:
PSS: If you found this WOD about Quick Weight Loss Tips and thought it to be helpful, consider making an At-Will Offering. That way I can keep helping you out. Go Here To Give. Thank you for your time, attention and generosity.
WOD #231 Quick Weight Loss Tips
Warm-Up – 5 Minutes Cardio (At LEAST)
1-6 Rounds
- Inch Worms (Modifications In Video Below) – 20 Reps
- Mtn Climber Twist – 30 Reps Total
- Push-Ups – 40 Reps
Cool Down- 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog Pose
If you have any suggestions or want to know more about my services, then please email me at [email protected]
Furthermore please consider sharing this WOD about Weight Loss Tips. I would greatly appreciate it if you commented below also. (Your comment would mean the world to me)
Jed Kobernusz
Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Email: [email protected]
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