Permanent Fat Losing ProcessHow many times have you been promised a permanent fat losing process?

My guess is that you rand out of fingers and toes to cont them.

The process of losing fat and gaining muscle is simple…

Burn more calories than what you take in. Now, for permanent fat loss it’s not always that easy.

You might bee looking for permanent weight loss the natural way. When it comes to working out I recommend the most efficient ways possible. Efficiency means permanent fat loss.

Being efficient is important when you don’t really have a bunch of time to spend at the gym. I have found a new found glory to mt with clients to talk this out.

Let’s get to it already…

WOD #52 Permanent Fat Losing Process

3-4 Rounds

  • 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest…
  • Reverse Push-Ups- go for 20 seconds
  • Rest 10 seconds
  • Elevated Bird Dog- go for 20 seconds
  • Rest 10 seconds
  • Single Arm Wall Push- go for 20 seconds
  • Rest 10 seconds

Repeat the WOD 3-4 more times!! 🙂

You Got THIS!!

Today’s Talk Therapy is VERY powerful… Watch It Here

Looking for other ways for Permanent Fat Losing Porcess… GO HERE for googles “stuff”

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7 Workout Myths

Jed Kobernusz’s Coaching Blog
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Snap Chat- jed_lifechange

Considering Coaching? Check out the Coaching Program Page to find out more about my approach to weight loss that has worked Big Time!

PS: Do you LOVE coffee? Do you suffer from heart burn because of it? Go Here For More Information On The Products.

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