Workout Of The Day #35
Moving Delicate Hips Promptly
Some of my clients have asked me how to open their hips fast without having pain. First I come back with the question of, “what the heck for?” LOL…
But none the less, I want to meet their needs so I have come up with today’s WOD for that very reason. There are many benefits to open hips vs closed hips.
1. Your flexibility will increase therefore you will be in less pain.
2. Your abilities to move in directional patterns aka pivoting while trying to chase after your child when they suddenly turn left into a room. You WILL be able to follow.
3. Your stamina or endurance to keep up with those children without pain from the hips or low back.
I also hear this question too…
What does open hops mean?
Well it simply means having your legs spread as far apart as they can be without pain. For some that means a forty five degree angle and for others that means a ninety degree angle, ouch ;).
This WOD wont teach you how to open your hips for the splits or anything but it sure will help you strengthen them. It could even help you open your hips for dance or squats. The opportunities are endless if you apply it on a consistent basis.
If you have any questions on any of these exercises either watch the video below or feel free to email me at [email protected]
Ok here it is…
WOD #35 Moving Delicate Hips Promptly
3-5 Rounds
- Side MTN Climbers- 15 reps each side
- Side Leg Circles- 15 reps forward, 15 reps backwards PER Leg
- Superman Hold- 30 Seconds
My hips were jello after I did this…
That means I did it right and they needed a good
If you feel anything like that let me know…
If you feel something different ALSO let me know…
It sure was fun creating this workout…
Speaking of fun check out today’s episode of THE Exercise Physiology Show to see how much money I won from the Minnesota State Lottery scratch off tickets I won! Click HERE to watch!
Looking for more ides on the topic of Moving Delicate Hips Promptly GO HERE…
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Always remember…
If you are willing to change from the neck up, then you WILL change from the neck down!
I believe in YOU!
Now it’s YOUR turn!
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