Healing from the inside out is what changing your attitude consists of. Today’s WOD is ALL about attitude healing changing movements.
Did you know that an attitude is a cluster of thoughts pasted together? It’s true. Our mind takes a boat load of thoughts, then smears them ALL together to create your “attitude” towards what it is you’re thinking about.
Now, your body is your subconscious. Most of us however are living in survival and are simply trying to make it to the end of the day. Therefore that is the reason I created today’s WOD.
Today’s WOD will help your attitude by healing it because we CAN heal ourselves. I know that sounds nuts, but we CAN. There are TONS of studies performed by Dr. Joe Dispenza saying that people have recovered FULLY from terminal diseases.
Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not saying today’s WOD will do that, but stay consistent enough and you WILL begin to heal.
Lastly, the changing movements come from your habits. Today’s WOD will challenge your legs, back, butt, core and balance. It is designed to make you THINK.
As a result of today’s WOD your attitude WILL feel healed and your movements WILL change your body.
If not, then try again tomorrow hence why I create WOD every day 😉
So here it is…
WOD #141 Attitude Healing Changing Movements
Warm Up – 5 Minutes Cardio
Reps: 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7 ,6 ,5, 4, 3, 2, 1
- Back Lunge
- Leg Circles
- Standing Leg Raise
- Single Leg Deadlift
Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Either Down Dog Or Child’s Pose
Have Fun!
You Got This!
In the Video below I show you exactly what to do, WITH modifications. If you want more of a 1:1 experience, then email me at [email protected] and we can chat about your goals.
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Jed Kobernusz – B.Sc.-Ex. Sc.
Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Jed Kobernusz’s Coaching Blog
Email: [email protected]
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