Having nice arms and abs takes more than your traditional bicep curls and a treadmill routine. Today’s WOD gives you a different approach for an arms abs and cardio workout.
It takes a massive shift in your mindset to create the movement pattern that matches what you’re calling sexy arms.
Doing something different means breaking patterns and habits of your old self. A few of the movements you’ve probably done today, but my intuition tells me there’s one you haven’t.
When you take your movement seriously you start to pay attention and become familiar with efficiency for time, then you’ll really find success with your physical health. You may even find success with your mental health too because we all know the mental effects of exercise. Right?
If not, then be sure google that because there a million posts about mental effects of exercise.
What I mean is how long do you need to work on a body part before you start to find results. With each WOD created you get the highest amount of efficiency.
So let’s try something different today shall we?
WOD #220 Arms Abs And Cardio Workout
Warm-Up 5 Minutes Cardio (At LEAST)
1-6 Rounds
Bent Triceps Extension – 15 Reps
Plank Taps – 30 Reps Total
Sole Touching Sit Ups – 30 Reps
1 Minute Cardio – Example In Video – Frankenstein’s
Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog Pose
Have Fun!
You Got This!
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Jed Kobernusz
Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Email: [email protected]
Hang Out With Jed On:
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