Back in the early 2000s, the Biggest Loser made being a loser sound awesome. I’m not saying anyone is a loser and losing isn’t good. While they are losing we are gaining much more as the community of the KoberNation. This mindset coaching article comes from a place of perspective about gaining.
Measurements and tracking are a powerful way to motivate people. The only drawback is that we focus too much on the numbers. Losing weight is one of the most overwhelming tasks there is when it comes to health and wellness. Why focus on your physical weight when it changes so much and so fast throughout the day?
I tell my clients to stop weighing themselves altogether. It’s about what you’re gaining and not what you’re losing. However my approach is different and at first, can be hard to conceptualize. Because of this, there’s a certain level of trust that is placed on the relationship people embark on with me.
As human beings, we are designed to survive and have the intellectual ability to change very quickly. Our minds remember experiences very easily. Also, it forgets too. We can only measure what we are going to lose and not what we are going to gain. That is something that I say many times to myself.
Diving into the unknown and loving the potential is what you do when you shift your focus on what you’re going to gain and forget about weight loss. Weight gain or weight Loss is simple. It’s weight. You gain and lose constantly. You’re simply not aware of the physiological changes that are happening. You’re body gains and loses energy every moment of every day. Your heart is beating and your lungs are inflating/deflating. Are you controlling that? Hell no!
You’d be dead in minutes if you were left in charge of your involuntary nervous system. Focus on what you’re gaining while you’re on this journey and be grateful for what you do have.
While they are losing we are gaining strength, endurance, balance, coordination and amazing posture. It’s something that most people take for granted early in their lives and don’t practice keeping all it. That’s why it goes away. Because you’re looking to lose you will actually lose. It won’t be what you want to lose.
It will be your sanity, love for life and everyone around you because you’ll drive everyone nuts with your crazy attempts to lose weight. For example, going on a diet. Plan on going off of it and going right back to where you were. Another ridiculous one is trying to wrap or take pills to make it go away. Waste of time and money. Not to mention the side effect of both.
There is only one way to change…
End of story. Stop trying to lose and start realizing that gaining is way more fun. Gain perspective. By gaining perspective you’re adding depth to your life. Because of that depth, you’ll be able to receive more and gain more experiences. Who doesn’t like more? People who are losing are looking for less. Why not gain and get more?
Get your WOD done and experience more with the consistency you’re building. While they are losing we are gaining a life that is worth living. Thank you for being awesome and for loving yourself enough to read mindset coaching article to the end. Because of you, the story goes on.
Have Fun!
You Got This KoberNation!
PS: Want more motivation? Tired of the same old crummy routine of life? In other words, go to a newsletter you’ll ACTUALLY read, hop on mine to get your weekly dose:
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PSSS: Grab your Consistency Is Greater Than Intensity T-Shirt and Hoodie from Amazon. Simply search YGT Fitness and you’ll be taken to all of the Motivational Shirts.
PSSSS: Lacking consistency and accountability? Or know someone who is? Because the Battle WODs Program has both along with the community of the KoberNation to make you feel loved, please share it.
While They Are Losing We Are Gaining | Workout Of The Day (WOD) #316
1-6 Rounds | Reps: AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)
Warm-Up – 5 minutes Cardio
- Plyo Push-Ups
- Arm Circles
- High Plank Rotation
- Body Circles
Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog Pose
If you have any suggestions or any questions for me with this post or want to know more about my services, consider sending me an email at [email protected].
Thank You For Your Attention Because It’s The Oxygen That Keeps The KoberNation Alive
Certified Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Email: [email protected]
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