There are so many people and programs out there that report results and testimonies. This mindset coaching article will break down what Fitness results look like in a truthful way. Because we all know someone who’s been ripped off by a person and/or product in such an unregulated industry.

Go Here For The Podcast Episode Of What Fitness Results Look Like

First things first. The scale. You’ll see some results on the scale in the first couple of weeks. That’s your body’s way of dealing with the added stress you’re putting into it. Because your body gets pushed out of homeostasis, you’re having to rebalance the unbalanced.

Next, is week three. The foundational strength and endurance start to show up. However, this timeline is all discretionary because we are all different. So let’s say plus or minus a week on this one. So you’re now a month into the process. The habit is created and you’re now starting to feel stronger. That’s your body giving you the biofeedback to keep going.

Now, week 5 happens and your clothes start to fit different. That’s a monumental accomplishment because not only does that mean your friends are starting to notice. You now get to go shopping for new clothes. Still, you look in the mirror and you don’t “feel” any different.

So you do what everyone else does and you hop on the scale. What?! You’ve gained weight?! Dammit. This can’t be right! You’re thinking “I’m working my ass off LITERALLY” It’s ok. Because this is very normal.

It isn’t until week 6 or 7 that the physiological changes start to show. The mirror and scale are damaging the ego. And my ego I mean the voice in your head that tries to talk you out of being uncomfortable. And my uncomfortable I mean doing things you’ve never done so you can do more things you’ve never done.

Just because you’re not seeing immediate results doesn’t mean there nor there. This is what fitness results look like. Why do you think most programs end after 90 days? Because the physiological changes show up the most in the first 30-90 days and don’t show themselves again until around 120-150. That’s a long time to wait. In today’s day of instant gratification, there’s no money in that.

That’s why I reverse engineer the process and go straight to the long game. There will be many programs that claim their results are better. That’s what Fitness results look like for the shallow people who fall for that kind of message. The true depth of change comes with consistency. It takes many tries before the process is engrained into your being.

The 365 WOD Journey provides those tries. Even one round will show you what Fitness results look like. True Fitness results come daily. As soon as the vanity of what you look like goes to the wayside you’ll feel happier. Because we all love to look good. However, feeling good is even better. Because when you feel good, you instantly look good.

Get your WOD done and feel great about yourself. Because that’s what Fitness results look like when you’re in it for the long haul. Above all, you’ll feel strong AF with all of the consistency you’re creating.

Have Fun!

You Got This KoberNation!

PS: Want more motivation? Tired of the same old crummy routine of life? In other words, go to a newsletter you’ll ACTUALLY read, hop on mine to get your weekly dose:

PSS: If you found this WOD provided value, consider giving an At-Will Offering. Because then I can keep helping. Go Here To Give. Thank you for your time, attention and generosity.

PSSS: Grab your Consistency Is Greater Than Intensity T-Shirt and Hoodie from Amazon. Simply search YGT Fitness and you’ll be taken to all of the Motivational Shirts.

PSSSS: Lacking consistency and accountability? Or know someone who is? Because the Battle WODs Program has both along with the community of the KoberNation to make you feel loved, please share it.

What Fitness Results Look Like | Workout Of The Day (WOD) #320 | Legs, Obliques, And Back

Warm-Up – 5 minutes Cardio
1-6 Rounds

  • ½ Squat Pulse – 40-50 Reps
  • Duck Unders – 30-40 Reps Total
  • Forward Lunge Punch – 20-30 Reps Total
  • High Plank Knee To Elbow – 10-20 Reps Total

Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Each Pose

  • Down Dog Pose
  • Child’s Pose
  • Up Dog Pose
  • Down Dog Pose

If you have any suggestions or any questions for me with this post or want to know more about my services, consider sending me an email at [email protected].

Thank You For Your Attention Because It’s The Oxygen That Keeps The KoberNation Alive

Certified Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Email: [email protected]

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