Workout Of The Day #16

What does maxing out do for your body?

What Does Maxing Out Do For Your Body

Have you ever seen a max out weight lifting chart before? They can be VERY confusing! With terms like 1RM and 3RM and all the 70-80% stuff going on. There is also percent of 1rm… Ug. Well, again I have found a more simplified version of maxing out for weight lifting.

You may have asked yourself at one point in your life what is maxing out in weightlifting? And What does maxing out do for your body?

Well simply it helps you gauge your progress. How do you know anything is working if you don’t know what your baseline is?

There is a saying…

If You Can Measure It, You Can Grow It

I don’t know who said that, but it is SO true when it comes to progress. I have put together four max out exercises that test your strength, endurance, balance, coordination, flexibility and posture. You CAN do this! You just have to believe in YOU! I DO!! Now it’s YOUR turn!

Now, let’s get to it!

Make sure you write down how many Reps you did of each exercise then you have your baseline! We will test this again in 4 weeks and compare scores! Write a comment below with your Score, it would be AWESOME to see! 🙂

Here it is:

Workout Of The Day (WOD) #16 | What Does Maxing Do For Your Body?


Push ups



Full Body Extensions

You Got This!

Video Below Explains What To Do!

If you are looking for other resources for “What Does Maxing Out Do For Your Body” GO HERE

Was this post about What Does Maxing Out Do For Your Body helpful? Feel free to share with your friends if you got value. I would love to hear from you to know which part hit you the most.

And Always Remember…

If you are willing to change from the neck up, then you WILL change from the neck down!

I believe in YOU!

Now it’s YOUR turn!

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Considering Coaching? You may want to think about going HERE to find out more about how I approach weight loss that has worked Big Time!

PS: Are you trying to lose weight but need some help? If there was a way to simply workout without thinking about it, would you? – Click Here For 60 Free WODs

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