When we feel we aren’t safe we all want to go home. I’m not talking about the physical place, but the spiritual space. Remembering all fun things about home can be a great trip down memory lane. Before you get too far down that road think about all of the people who don’t have a physical home. Be grateful for all of your blessings no matter how big or small.
As I write this, I am 8 days out of surgery. I’ve been watching TV and by watching TV I mean Binge-Watching TV. I haven’t done this for a VERY long time. My doctor’s orders were to do as little as possible. I feel I haven’t done much at all and that is not cool. But what the 8 days has provided me is time to think.
I’ve been watching The Flash series and it’s triggered some raw emotions for me. It’s pretty cool how we all want to “Feel” something throughout our day. Mostly we all want to feel safe. And where do we feel the safest?
Again, I’m not talking about the physical space of “Home”. It’s about the space that we reserve in our hearts for the people who are special to us.
I’m reminded of the Song “I Feel Home” by O.A.R. and to give you some insight of why here are the lyrics:
And home is one of the few.
We’d have a drink outside,
Maybe run and hide if we saw a couple men in blue.
That true people are the people at home.
Well, I’ve been away but now I’m back today,
And there ain’t a place I’d rather go.
When I see the faces that remember my own.
I feel home,
When I’m chillin outside with the people I know.
And that’s just what I feel.
Home is reality,
And all I need is something real.
Maybe out to a dark driveway.
I say now some feel bored,
And some are lookin for more.
We got nothin to do,
And I look at you
I see
I feel home when I am with those I care about most. We all want to go home. Since having the surgery that time has increased massively. The best part is that the people who are doing the work with my WODs are and always have been part of my HOME too. Its a community of people, aka the #KoberNation, who keep showing up to this HOME and are very special to me.To give so much trust in a person who makes such crappy videos is impressive. I mean in today’s day and age of technology the least I could do is edit them right?! LOL
I guess what I’m saying is be grateful for your home, I know I am and every time you feel that warm feeling in your heart, say it out loud to those around you, it will amplify that feeling. 🙂 Thank you for being here, because without you I’d have an empty space in my home.
We all want to go home. Simple as that. So the next time you’re feeling lonely hit me up and I’ll bring you home. I’m serious. The best way to do that is to email me at [email protected]. We all want to go home and feel safe. It’s in our DNA. Once we feel safe we don’t need to worry anymore. So with that, I say… Welcome, Home.
Have Fun!
You Got This!
PS: Want more motivation? Tired of the same old crummy routine of life? Rather then going to another newsletter you won’t ACTUALLY read, hop on mine to get your weekly dose: JedKobernusz.com/Newsletter
PSS: If you found this WOD about how we all want to go home, then consider giving a free will offering. Because then I can keep helping. Go Here To Contribute. Thank you for your time, attention and generosity.
We All Want To Go Home | Workout Of The Day (WOD) #260
1-6 Rounds
Warm-Up – 5 Minutes Cardio
- Full Body Extensions – 1 Minute
- Lunges – 30 Reps Total
- Bridges – 30 Reps
- Calf Raise – 30 Reps
Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog Pose
If you have any suggestions or any questions for me with this post about how we all want to go home or want to know more about my services, then please email me at [email protected].
Thank You For Your Attention
Certified Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Email: [email protected]
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