Upper Body Movement TheoryTheories about strength versus cardio and upper body and lower body days, but my Upper Body Movement Theory is very simple.

There are a million workouts to do, but until you are consistent with them they are all worthless.

Upper Body Movement Theory

This theory is more like fact. We all know that if we practice at something you get better at it. Whether you have been with me since WOD #1 or just finding me now, it doesn’t matter. Practice is what makes the process happen.

When you have a certain pattern it gets ingrained in your brain. It literally makes new neuropathways that are PERMANENT. Scary right?

The coolest thing about the human brain is that those pathways CAN be changed. It all starts with your CHOICE. That’s right. You read that right. You CHOOSE to live how you live. You are right no matter what kind of self talk you have. If you say you CAN’T, then you are right. If you say you CAN, then you are right. What KIND of right do you want to be?

The upper body movement theory is something that hit me like a ton of bricks. It basically is trying different exercises that help strengthen your muscles as well as your joints. Keeping in mind that I recommend you always let pain be your guide.

So let’s get to it…

WOD #70 Upper Body Movement Theory

  • Beginners- 10 Minutes
  • Advanced- 20 Minutes
  • Push-Ups- 20 seconds
  • Rest 10 seconds
  • Shoulder Taps- 20 seconds
  • Rest 10 seconds
  • Wall Taps- 20 seconds
  • Rest 10 seconds
  • Flutter Kick- 20 seconds
  • Rest 10 seconds


You Got This!

You may want to look at what google says about this topic. Go Here To See.

Watch the video below to see exactly what I am looking for AND if you want modifications you will see those too.

Have fun!

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7 Workout Myths

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