Have you ever went to group exercise class with an instructor that just doesn’t get that you cannot do some of the “moves”? Well today’s WOD is total body meets core WITH modifications.
Today’s total body core workout will provide your body, mind and spirit the energy you have been looking for. There are only two exercises, but that doesn’t mean it’s just a slough off workout.
The moves you will be doing will help you with your bodies movement for today AND into your later years. Practicing movement is what exercise is all about. Most people “workout” to lose weight or to go along with their diet.
But for me I simply practice movement so that when I NEED to move and move HARD, then I KNOW I CAN without any repercussions later.
The workout will also provide you with new total body core exercises. The two movements you will be doing might night seem like total body core exercises, but give it a shot and you will find out.
So let’s get to it…
WOD #119 Total Body Meets Core
1-6 Rounds
- Walkout to Plank then walk up to stand- 20 reps
- High Plank Heel Taps- 40 reps
You Got This!
Always remember…
If you are willing to change from the neck up, then you WILL change from the neck down!
I believe in YOU!
Now it’s YOUR turn!
In the Video below I show you exactly what to do, WITH modifications.
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Jed Kobernusz – B.Sc.-Ex. Sc.
Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
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