Last night I walked by the mirror in our bedroom without my shirt on and had to do a double take.
Now, if you REALLY know me I don’t talk about myself like this, but I will tell you how I go here and Three Deep Health Secrets of what I consistently do.
Helpful Resources From Today’s Post – Three Deep Health Secrets
Finding A Mentor And Community To Support You
Think About What Your Passion Is
Consistently Practicing Your Passion And Learning More About How To Succeed
I’m usually the one asking questions and finding out how I can help you.
But today, I figured I have full right to do a blog post about me, since it IS my birthday and all…
And I usually have a video in my blog post but why not do the opposite of the “usual”…
All I have today is this pic…Â 
There are a few things that I am doing and continue to work on to BE this fit and feel this good…
Before I let you in on my secrets I would like to take this time and tell you about what life was like before I got to this point… Briefly of course! đ
I was working at a chemical dependency rehabilitation center teaching therapeutic exercise, activities and basic life skills…
I know that the work I was doing, and they continue to do, was good, but after 5 years of that I had WAY outgrown it…
When I left that job it was very scary because it paid benefits like health and dental insurance and much more…
The first thing I noticed after leaving was how much I needed to learn about my gift of coaching…
Since then I have been working on me, as you can see in the picture above, and sharing ALL my secrets with anyone who wants to listen…
And the best part is most of this is FREE!
Now, let’s talk about those secrets…
Secret #1
Find a mentor and run with them for as long as you can and for as long as they put YOUR needs/wants first!
Larry Hochman has done this for me and the is a GREAT place to start.
Secret #2
Figure out your passion/gift that your God and your bible gave you when He created you.
Want help with that? I can help as THAT is what MY gift is, helping people realize THEIR gift. I have gotten VERY good at listening to myself, God and others. Email me at [email protected] if you want to chat.
Secret #3
Keep practicing your gift CONSISTENTLY even on the days when you don’t want to.
The saying “Consistency Creates Confidence” is something I tell myself everyday. Think about it for a moment. When you were first learning something new as a child were you good at it right away? I bet not.
Riding a bike, let’s say…
Well, what made you keep going?
Why did you keep trying?
My guess is that your friends got it…
Your siblings got it and you wanted to do it too…
You didn’t stop until you got it right. Life is like that.
Keep finding YOUR way to live a happy and healthy life…
Why do I say YOUR way?
Because there is no RIGHT way, there is no WRONG way, there is only YOUR way…
And that comes from listening to your inner self with a little help from a coach/mentor (Like me đ )
Those have been MAJOR influences on my life and my passion is helping those find their way.
Today is my birthday, but it is also a MAJOR day of inner work because big, real life and “grown up” decisions are being made today that will effect those around us both in person and not…
Want more information on the life changing decisions that could impact you shoot me an email at [email protected]
Have an AWESOME day today!
Stay Blessed!
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Considering Coaching? Check out the Coaching Program Page to find out more about my approach to weight loss that has worked Big Time!
PS: Are you trying to lose weight but need some help? You may want to consider signing up for my daily newsletter where I will send you tips, hints and tricks to GET healthy and STAY that way. Put your name and email on this page and I will send you everything I have for FREE!!
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