Empathetic Self Motivational Movements

Empathetic Self Motivational Movements

Motivation is the number one thing that can either help us achieve what we want or stop us right in our tracks. Consequently I created WOD #156 to give you empathetic self motivational movements that will skyrocket your motivation to KEEP GOING! There’s a TON of...
Back Movements Acknowledging Pain

Back Movements Acknowledging Pain

Suffering from back pain? WOD #154 gives you back movements acknowledging pain to reduce it. The movements or exercises in today’s WOD are for lower back pain, middle back pain and upper back pain. Because so many of us work in a forward flexing posture, meaning...
Focused Movements Considering Back Pain

Focused Movements Considering Back Pain

Do you have a weak and painful back? WOD #152 is full of focused movements considering back pain that will strengthen the weakness and reduce the pain. Acute low back pain and middle back pain come mostly from neglect. Consequently we acquire the pain and it gets...

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