Focus On Whats Working

Focus On Whats Working

Being negative seems to solve a lot of problems, but in all reality it’s just the path with least resistance. Being negative, always going to the problems in life, and using “tomorrow” is what people use often. Instead, why not take the approach of...
Movement Comes From Within

Movement Comes From Within

Coming from a place of motivation and change can be difficult to find. Movement Comes From Within your body and soul. Today’s WOD will provide you with the exact blueprint to keep moving and stay motivated. People reach out to me daily now and the more it...
How To Get A Kardashian Butt

How To Get A Kardashian Butt

After getting this question from MANY of my clients I thought it was time to shed some light on this question. How to get a kardashian butt is often over thought about. Think about it… While people pay thousands of dollars to have a Personal Trainer write them a...
Better Way To Use Your Head

Better Way To Use Your Head

Has anyone ever told you to use your head? Well after today’s WOD you’ll find a better way to use your head to increase your confidence. When thinking about what you think about each day what comes to mind? Does 75% of your day consist of happiness? If...
Why Everyone Wants What You Have

Why Everyone Wants What You Have

After you have some success with weight loss people always seem to ask what they do. Why everyone wants what you have feels very good. Since day one you’ve probably been dreaming what you’d do if you got to a point where people tell you that you look...

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