Count Down To Greatness

Count Down To Greatness

Starting over and over and over again with fitness and health is VERY tiring. That’s why I create daily WODs so you can count down to greatness. They eliminate the start and stopping of ANY program. When you start from WOD #1 and get to WOD #179 you will feel SO...
Squatting Down Aging Knees

Squatting Down Aging Knees

Aging is a part of life and squatting down aging knees is going to happen. Basically we have to ask ourselves this very question… Can I get up off the floor without using your hands? There is a test out there called the sit-to-stand test. Today’s WOD I...
Dirty Nitty Gritty Workout

Dirty Nitty Gritty Workout

Today’s WOD I get down a dirty nitty gritty workout because I recorded it right after work. I didn’t even change clothes because I was SO excited to get it out there. Sometimes we all need to just drop everything and do what we WANT. As a result of that I...

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