Expressing Gratitude Breaks Habits

Expressing Gratitude Breaks Habits

Have you ever thought about how much we take for granted each moment of every day? Our habits are wrapped around it. Especially if the awareness isn’t on what you’re doing. Expressing gratitude breaks habits like that. This mindset coaching article will help increase...
Mindless Eating Leads To Weight Gain

Mindless Eating Leads To Weight Gain

Sitting and watching the nightly news with a bowl full of your favorite snack can lead to weight gain. My bowl was filled with ice cream every night. It’s called Mindless Eating and before I learned what it was I was doing it way more than I was aware of....
Do Not Skip Leg Day EVER

Do Not Skip Leg Day EVER

With today’s day of social media, it’s easy to see how many influencers there are in the Fitness Industry. I’m here to say do not skip leg day EVER. Why? Because you’re going to be exposed faster today than ever before. This mindset article...
What You Think Is Happening Really Isnt

What You Think Is Happening Really Isnt

Have you ever heard of something called Facebook Perfect? What you think is happening really isnt. This is a problem that our grandparents didn’t have to worry about. This mindset coaching article will reveal what people are saying about me while really the...
The All Or None Law

The All Or None Law

One WOD a day with one round a day will keep the doctor away. The all or none law is proven beneficial because of the 365 WOD Journey and the Battle WODs. Once you fire your muscles in such a way that it excites you aka you “feel the burn” you’re...

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