IF you’re getting board, then this WOD is for you. This speedy slimming countdown workout will keep you moving and motivated to finish and WANT to do MORE.

On average countdown workouts use up about 300 calories. Today’s WOD you definitely will use up ALL of that PLUS more, IF and only IF you get all the way to the end of the countdown.

Countdown workouts are the best because they really do help break the boardroom. Therefore you WON’T be disappointed with this one!

Having said all that I just want you to know that even if you don’t get to the end you still WILL see PLENTY of benefit.

Because you are reading this, you are changing…

Change starts with your mind therefore you ARE changing. Once you learn something NEW you produce chemicals. The difference between learning something new and keeping that new knowledge as memory is the act of repeating it.

Let’s conclude and get to today’s WOD.

Today’s conclusion is this…

Break your habits with something different each day. Because you ARE trying means you ARE chancing.

Have fun and let’s get to it!

WOD #140 Speedy Slimming Countdown Workout

Warm Up- 5 Minutes Cardio

Reps: 12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

  • Push-Ups
  • Dips
  • Side Plank Pulse

***Rest 30 Seconds In-between Each Round

Cool Down – Down Dog / Child’s Pose For 5 Deep Breaths

You Got This!

In the Video below I show you exactly what to do, WITH modifications. If you want more of a 1:1 experience, then email me at [email protected] and we can chat about your goals.

Was this WOD helpful? Feel free to share and comment.

Furthermore consider sharing it. I would greatly appreciate it if you commented below also.

Jed Kobernusz
Jed Kobernusz – B.Sc.-Ex. Sc.
Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach

Jed Kobernusz’s Coaching Blog
Email: [email protected]

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Considering Coaching in addition to your current routine? Go to the Coaching page to find out more about my approach to weight loss that has helped people to Lose Their Mind Weight (Click the blue words to find out what that means) FIRST…

PS: For just a couple bucks a day, let me guide you through an exclusive process with TREMENDOUS results and the best part is that I’ve used it. So as a result I KNOW it will benefit you too… Click Here To Get Started 

PSS: Want more motivation? Tired of the same old crummy routine of life? Then go here to get your daily dose: JedKobernusz.com/Newsletter

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