When getting ready to go to the gym or workout at home showing up is half the battle. Woody Allen said it perfectly when he said 80 percent of life is showing up.
At the beginning, I use to simply show the exercises and modifications to those exercises. What I’m finding out is that people need the extra push. The #Kobernation has been very social lately and I’ve gathered that going through the motions WITH you during the video helps.
Getting one round done sums up the fact that showing up is half the battle. The first round can be a B*#$*. I’ll go back to a little blurb from Woody Allen:
I have learned one thing. As Woody says, “Showing up is 80 percent of life.” Sometimes it’s easier to hide home in bed. I’ve done both. – 1977 August 21, New York Times, Section 2: Arts and Leisure, He’s Woody Allen’s Not-So-Silent Partner by Susan Braudy, Page 11 (ProQuest Page 83), New York.
Simply showing up in life is something that is not always the easiest and staying on the coach feels sage. Sometimes the safest option isn’t always the safest.
Inactivity is hazardous to your health. That’s a fact. There’s no debating that.
Therefore moving more often helps your mental and physical well being. There’s no debating that either.
Talking in facts helps people conceptualize the “why” of what they “need” to do. It often happens when people find out the why behind the what, they tend to stick with whatever it is they’re trying to accomplish.
In conclusion all you need to do is show up, get one round done and more times than not you’ll go at LEAST one or two more rounds. Then, you’ll create consistency into your your daily life. Way To Go Champ!
Have Fun!
You Got This!
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WOD #224 Just Showing Up Is Half The Battle
Warm-Up – 5 Minutes Cardio (At Least)
1-6 Rounds
- Alternating Lunges 30 Reps Total
- Alternating Side Straight Leg Raise – 30 Reps Total
- Bridge – 30 Reps
- Calf Raise – 30 Reps
- 1 Minute Cardio – Example In Video – Marching In Place
Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog Pose
If you have any suggestions for me or want to know more about what I can do for you, then please email me at [email protected]
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Furthermore please consider sharing this WOD about Showing Up Is Half The Battle. I would greatly appreciate it if you commented below also. (Your comment would mean the world to me)
Jed Kobernusz
Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Email: [email protected]
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