When starting at WOD #1 did you even THINK you’d make it to two hundred? Today you’ll learn that pushing through major milestones is the most important thing you can do for PERMANENT change.
Let’s think think about this for a moment…
How many “Holidays” are there in year?
I put the world Holidays in quotes because every day could be considered a holiday. Think about that for a moment. If you have monthly birthday celebrations at work, annual getaways, small celebrations, LARGE celebrations, traditional holidays and any other reason to eat high sugary foods.
Now, count how many days those “holidays” I just mentioned. That’s about 10 days a month. Let’s take that and add it up per year. That’s 120 days per year. Which then means that 33% of the year you will be eating high sugary foods. Less than 40mg of sugar per day is what we are “suppose” to eat. My guess is that one piece of cake and that cookie is WELL over 40mg.
Pushing through major milestones without these high sugary foods takes a massive amount of practice. Each time you attend one of these celebrations and take less and less you are interrupting your patterns. Also making it to WOD #200 is another way you’re pushing through major milestones.
When your self worth goes up with each WOD the amount of change that happens within yourself is a direct correlation to it. The question that you might be asking is why. The consistency and dedication to yourself is the answer. With each WOD you complete you become one step closer to the best expression of yourself.
Today’s WOD will challenge you both mentally and physically. Think about day one when you’re going through this WOD. You’re simply going to do 200 Push-Ups. Day one how may Push-Ups did you do? My intuition tells me no where NEAR 200.
Go get’em and keep going #Kobernation!
Love ya!
To show you it’s TOTALLY possible is in the video below. 🙂
WOD #200 Pushing Through Major Milestones
Warm-Up – 5 Minutes Cardio
- 200 Push-Ups All at ONCE!
Cool Down- 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog Pose
Thank you SO much for hanging with me for 200 WODs.
Have Fun!
You Got This!
If you have any suggestions for me or want to know more about what I can do for you, then please email me at [email protected]
Furthermore consider sharing it. I would greatly appreciate it if you commented below also.
Jed Kobernusz
Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Jed Kobernusz’s Coaching Blog
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