I didn’t give today’s WOD a title. Why? Because it’s THAT good! LOL, It’s a purposely untitled leg workout that will help your legs, lower back and love handles.

Another good thing about today’s WOD is it’s a leg workout at home. This WOD can be performed ANYWHERE! It also can be added to the list of your leg workouts for mass. Try one round for a beginner or six rounds for an expert.

The lower body exercises with this purposely untitled leg workout are exercises without weights. As an Exercise Physiologist my specialty is with body weight hence why ALL the WOD I create usually don’t include weights. I practice with body weight until I can do at LEAST one hundred reps in a row and THEN I consider adding weight.

Sometimes you don’t need a fancy title to provide MASSIVE value to your body… 😉

As a result of this post you will feel a little sore tomorrow because you worked your tail off. Therefore let’s get to it shall we?

WOD #137 Purposely Untitled Leg Workout

Warm Up – 5 Minutes Cardio

1-6 Rounds

10, 20 Or 30 Reps / Seconds

  • Side Kicks
  • Walk Stand
  • Front Lunge
  • Sanding Twists
  • Heel Grabs
  • Crappie Flop

Extra Credit – 1-2 Minutes March In Place

Cool Down – Down Dog / Child’s Pose For 5 Deep Breaths

You Got This!

Have Fun!

In the Video below I show you exactly what to do, WITH modifications. If you want more of a 1:1 experience, then email me at [email protected] and we can chat about your goals.

Was this WOD helpful? Feel free to share and comment.

Furthermore consider sharing it. I would greatly appreciate it if you commented below also.

Jed Kobernusz
Jed Kobernusz – B.Sc.-Ex. Sc.
Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach

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Email: [email protected]

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Considering Coaching in addition to your current routine? Go to the Coaching page to find out more about my approach to weight loss that has helped people to Lose Their Mind Weight (Click the blue words to find out what that means) FIRST…

PS: For just a couple bucks a day, let me guide you through an exclusive process with TREMENDOUS results and the best part is that I’ve used it. So as a result I KNOW it will benefit you too… Click Here To Get Started 

PSS: Want more motivation? Tired of the same old crummy routine of life? Then go here to get your daily dose: JedKobernusz.com/Newsletter

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