How many times have you looked in the mirror and saw that jiggle under your arms? Today’s WOD will give you powerful playful jiggle free underarms.
Think about what KIND of tissue that’s under your upper arms. We ALL have that jiggle. It’s simple really. When it comes to the difference of fat and muscle we first have to learn HOW to flex that muscle under there.
You may know that the upper under arm muscle is called the triceps brachii. When it is all said and done do you REALLY care what it’s called?
Some do. In order to REALLY understand what you’re doing you first might need to know HOW you’re doing it. Therefore today’s WOD will explain what to do to get those powerful playful jiggle free underarms you’ve always dreamed of.
Each exercise helps you get in touch with those muscles. As a result of you getting to those muscles that jiggle will go away. Now, I’m not saying it will go away overnight, but keep going and it WILL go away eventually.
The other thing to think about is to practice flexing your Triceps when you’re not workout out. Simply put your arms down at your side and try moving from the elbow down. While trying NOT to move from your shoulder to your elbow. That’s called an isometric contraction.
Holding that will also help you to become familiar with your triceps (again, assuming you were familiar once upon a time in your life)
Becoming familiar with your body is something that takes time and practice. The one sure fire way to do that is to get moving the second way is to try flexing the muscle while NOT working out. Then those powerful playful jiggle free underarms will pop out of the bottom of your t-shirt before you know it!
So let’s get practicing…
WOD #186 Powerful Playful Jiggle Free Underarms
Warm-Up – 5 Minutes Cardio
1-6 Rounds
- Plyo-Push-Ups – 10-20 reps
- Plank Taps – 20-40 reps
- Side Crunches – 10-20 reps each side
Cool Down- 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog Pose
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Jed Kobernusz
Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Jed Kobernusz’s Coaching Blog
Email: [email protected]
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