Workout Of The Day #40

Movement Certainties Targeting Back Fat

Movement Certainties Targeting Back Fat

Today’s way of thinking may come from ancient times regarding fat. If you have ever studied history, which I am NOT claiming I have, but when I think about fat I think about sacrifice. They use to burn the fat for the sacrifice to whatever God you are worshiping.

The title for today’s WOD Movement Certainties Targeting Back Fat will help you burn fat from all over your body as well as help you strengthen your back and core.

As far as back fat exercises I think we are looking for the one size fits all “workout” to eliminated it completely. There are MANY websites, pills, workouts, and diet plans out there that can HELP you burn that fat, but there is NO overnight process to show you a quick way on how to lose lower back fat.

Wouldn’t you think if there were ONE way to show you how to get rid of lower back fat I would be having you do it?

The answer to that is YES. Then I would figure out a way to SELL IT!! HAHAHAHAHA

The Fact of the matter is that it all takes time. It all takes consistency. I play this over and over in my head when I am thinking about not doing something that I KNOW I NEED to do…

Consistency Creates Confidence

All of what I have to offer does not come over night, but it can help you if you simply open your mind and let it in.

Plus some of you out there might be worried about the bra bulge. While I don’t have ANY experience with that, I have PLENTY of experience on how to increase your metabolism to burn that fat!

Most of the exercises I recommend are back fat exercises without equipment because I am fully aware that getting to the gym with children and other obligations in life can be VERY difficult.

So with that being said, I let’s get to the today’s WOD. If you want to see what the exercises look like be sure to keep scrolling down to see the video I made to explain it.

WOD # 40 Movement Certainties Targeting Back Fat

3 Rounds

  • Supermans- 20 reps
  • U-Crunches- 20 Reps
  • Side Planks- 10 Reps/Side
  • Prone Heel Touch- 20 reps total
  • Leg/Knee Circles- 10 reps per direction
  • Side Crunches- 10 reps per side

Have fun with this! I KNOW I did when I did it!

Don’t miss today’s episode of THE Exercise Physiology Show. I talk about 9 Natural Ways To Increase Low Testosterone. Click Here To Watch

Looking for more ideas about today’s topic of Movement Certainties Targeting Back Fat – Go HERE

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Always remember…

If you are willing to change from the neck up, then you WILL change from the neck down!

I believe in YOU!

Now it’s YOUR turn!

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Considering Coaching? You may want to think about going HERE to find out more about how I approach weight loss that has worked Big Time!

7 Workout Myths

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