Melt Fat Away Today

There are so many ways today offered to us to melt body fat naturally, but what’s really funny is all the ways that are out there. Melt body fat away today the good old fashioned way. Because that’s too obvious and people don’t get taught about common sense anymore, here are a few that I have seen:

  • Melt Body Fat With Heat

OUCH! No Way! No Thanks, I was a Volunteer Firefighter and have been in some pretty hot situations! I wouldn’t want anything to do with that kind of treatment!

  • Melt Fat With Laser

Ummmm… Are the lasers ran by sharks? LOL Let me know if you get that movie reference (Austin Powers). Even if this did work, it would only work for a short amount of time unless you had the proper preparation of changes in your daily habits, which most people who are looking for the “quick fix” ways to burn fat haven’t gotten that far yet. Because let’s be real here, there are no quick fixes when it comes to melting body fat off our bodies.

  • Fat Melt Pills

Taking pills is not a natural way to use excess body fat and make it leave your body. Even if it says it on the bottle if you are in the USA, I love my country, but the FDA that doesn’t do jack for the health and wellness industry. If you are in other parts of the world you still never know because we only have 20 years of research, AT MOST, to test what the long-term effects on the body really are. Because let’s be real here, if it is in pill form, then it’s been processed.

If you have ever searched how to melt body fat without exercise and eating differently, then you must be reading the wrong information because exercise and movement are vital pieces of the puzzle. Therefore, I don’t condone you go nuts with exercise and lose your sense of self, but I will show you how to melt fat off your stomach with today’s WOD.

I specialize in all home workouts and with this week’s WOD and the video below, I show you how to melt body fat at home. You can take this WOD to the gym too!

Here it is…

WOD #28 Melt Body Fat Away Today

1-6 Rounds
Warm-Up – 5 Minutes Cardio

  • Rotating Plank- 20 reps total
  • Body Weight Chops- 20 reps total
  • Lying V Throughs- 30 reps total
Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog Pose

Go Get’em!

You Got This!

Check out other videos on my YouTube

Always remember…

If you’re willing to change from the neck up, then you WILL change from the neck down!

If you have any suggestions for me or want to know more about what services are available, then please email me at [email protected]. For more workouts or if you’re considering hiring me to be your Personal Certified Exercise Physiologist, then go to 

Today’s episode of THE Exercise Physiology Show is a good one! GO HERE to watch it!

Looking for other ideas on how to Melt Body Fat Away Today then Click HERE

If you’re looking for ways to measure your body fat then Go Here.

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Always remember…

If you are willing to change from the neck up, then you WILL change from the neck down!

I believe in YOU!

Now it’s YOUR turn!

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Considering Coaching? You may want to think about going HERE to find out more about how I approach weight loss that has worked Big Time!

7 Workout Myths

PS: Are you trying to lose weight but need some help? You may want to consider checking into my daily messages – Click Here For Details

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