The first Friday in October is National Manufacturing day. Therefore I created a WOD for a time of day that EVERYONE can relate to, the middle of the day. Manufacturing Midday Energy Boost is the title and the movements can be done ANYWHERE.
Because I’ve worked in manufacturing I know first hand what it’s like to hot the wall in the middle of the day. And really “day” might not even be day.
We all know there’s a second third fourth shift out there. I’m not leaving anyone out here.
The proverbial wall is something that CAN be avoided.
If you can get past that then your “day” will be THAT much better!
So these movements are designed to increase energy, mood and boost your metabolism ALL at the SAME time.
However, it’s up to you (the user) to determine how MUCH energy you want.
If you only need a little energy simply complete ONE round.
If you want a MASSIVE amount of energy consequently do all 6 rounds (Or more).
Manufacturing Midday Energy Boosts can happen any place at any time and manufacturers are VERY important people because without them no one would be able to enjoy the “stuff” that they make.
So go get your midday boost and have fun with it!
Here it is..
WOD #160 Manufacturing Midday Energy Boost
Warm up – Al ready warmed up if you’ve been moving otherwise 5 minutes of cardio movement
1-6 Rounds
Reps: 20 for each movement
- Arm Circles Forward
- Arm Circles Backward
- Torso Twist
- Chest Squeeze
- Shoulder Blade Squeeze
- Quick Feet
- Full Body Extensions
Cool Down – 10 Deep Breaths
Have Fun!
Happy Manufacturers Day!
You Got This!
In the Video below I show you exactly what to do, WITH modifications. In addition to the video, want more of a personal WOD for your specific goals? Then email me at [email protected]
Was this WOD helpful? Feel free to share and comment.
Furthermore consider sharing it. I would greatly appreciate it if you commented below also.
Jed Kobernusz
Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Jed Kobernusz’s Coaching Blog
Email: [email protected]
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