Katie is the first 365 WOD Journey Finisher. Her story and full testimonial actually brought me to tears. We have never met in person, but have talked many times via video chat, text and phone. She has been both courageous and open-minded along this journey. There were days where she looked at me through the phone like I was crazy because of the movements I was showing her. Nothing really stopped her though and consequently, that’s why she’s the first 365 WOD Journey Finisher.

This is a pic of me after I read the story:
(I’m not ashamed to show people who I REALLY am)

First 365 WOD Journey Finisher

Here is Katie’s Story:

First 365 WOD Journey Finisher

Life threw me a huge curveball a few years ago, and it took a team approach and finding the right coach to put me on the right pathway to success!

My story is not a sob story, more true to many women who go through life-changing hormonal events. It is genetically granted from ancestors, we have women trouble when we peak our 30’s in my family. Trouble arose with me about 4 years ago which led to a full hysterectomy. Now anybody who does not know, life without the menstrual cycle is awesome, but finding the right balance of hormones that your eggs once provided is the challenge…so the journey began. Ohh and they fail to mention the average person will put on 20 plus pounds after this surgery due to hormone regulation. And in my head, as I was an avid calorie counter and runner, and gym goer…I would not fall under that spectrum of weight gaining women.

35 pounds heavier…my husband drops a bombshell on me that he is selling the Business from Brunson Enterprises and moving to the ranch to start that pathway to his life. This has been his lifelong dream, and I knew that…but not so soon in our lives together. We lived in Gillette, the fast-paced world, had 2 children, a successful business for him that made great money, to the year I just received Teacher of the Year….and now we were going to UPROOT ourselves from the life/legacy I created in education and after-school programming to a small town, with many unknowns.

He left in March to calve heifers of 2014 and never returned. Allie and I stayed over the summer and finished out my summer grant programs I had started. And if a job arose I would follow, but if not I would continue with the 8th-grade science job at Twin Spruce until something came up. So Allie stayed with me in Gillette one more year at a Private Catholic School, and Emery helped Dad on the ranch. We commuted most weekends to the ranch so we could have some sort of family life. School year 2014/15 was my last memory in Gillette classroom, as an 8th-grade teacher of Science because soon, grade 7/8 Science in Hot Springs was SD was now my new calling…not by choice!!!!

So bitterly, I started teaching and adjusting my life on the ranch in Hot Springs SD. This came with so many emotions, saying goodbye to lifelong friends, closing of some after-school programs, some summer programs I had started for 10 plus years, more depression, thoughts of suicide as far as “don’t care if a semi hit me…alone with no children present…I don’t want to make this life I’m living forever mine. With sometimes happiness of…my kids will grow up living a life learning hard work skills, super close to grandpa and grandma, 2 hours closer to my parents as well, smaller school size for the kids, a slower lifestyle….and then BAM a dark cloud would appear again.

The newest diet craze out I fell victim too regularly….if the diet existed I tried it. that goes from Atkins (my first successful one in college), true gym dedication, Thrive, diet pills, laxatives, bulimia, South Beach, isagenics…and now KETO! I have never settled on my body size, my weight, my pant size. Whats cool about my testimony is that I have changed current diet fabs….into editing my whole lifestyle of daily exercise and sensible eating, to mostly accepting me for me, and my size 14 will be me for quite some time. But a fit size 14, that can manhandle 50-pound feed sacks with the best of them.

Working out has always been a part of my life…since I was 18…and has never left me. Not daily workouts, but average 3 times a week. What really opened my eyes to success was my sister’s postings of these WODS. Then, her story of joining others in doing them together. Finally, her convincing me to give this guy named JED a try. Maybe we could do something from afar together.

Mandy and I are states away from each other. So having this chance to do something healthy together, that we have accountability with and others in our group. We both paid Jed for his time and that made many of the Daily WODs in my life a success. Of course, this greatness and success can’t last forever, as many obstacles arrive in one’s life. The group fizzled, but not me! I kept with it. Usually, I started at the tail end of many group members. Staying consistent was one attribute I adopted in my life, along with the success of fighting depression!

First 365 WOD Journey FinisherFirst 365 WOD Journey Finisher

I remember starting WOD 1 in November of 2016 and completed the last WOD in April of 2018. Gaining mental strength to rationalize through what may seem as troubled times; was pure bliss having 4:15 am WOD’s in my life.

First 365 WOD Journey Finisher Does What With Her Free Time?

  • My best friend and I started a Gourmet Freezer Food Business 
  • Operate a 4-5 acre garden
  • Year-round high tunnels of produce
  • Help run 2 Farmers Markets
  • Assist with a large ranch operation
  • My business partner and I cater events
  • Teach 7th/8th-grade science

Taking FULL advantage of being the best mom I can to 2 amazing children who are still quite young! The only time I find for myself, with consistency is my 4:15 am spiritual/WOD time 7 days a week. I strive to NOT miss a morning as this is the coffee to my day. My attitude is reflected in this charge that I get from each day and it is sent to me daily.

I have a coach that encourages me daily, checks every single one of my posts, responds, and now has set challenge 2 for us to not miss a day of a WOD…with a goal set of April 21st, 2019 being our celebration moment of 365 WODS completed, and a hoodie that nobody else can buy! I have lost 35 lbs, my lovely hormonal weight gone, depression set free.

My home gym includes:

I have gained strength, muscle, a lifelong friend JED, team members that still check in with me, cardio power, the urge to set goals and complete with dedication, a t-shirt nobody else owns that I wear with pride, so much more just about myself, the willpower to say NO to food choices that would normally cater my success…..NO MORE. As you change your thinking, your mindset…your body chemistry transforms with you and results are WON. You become a WINNER of so much, that I encourage each of you reading this to join Jed and me on our next journey.

First 365 WOD Journey Finisher

First 365 WOD Journey Finisher

First 365 WOD Journey Finisher

How Do You Get A WOD Finisher T-Shirt?

Well, the first 365 WOD Journey Finisher has already shown up, but that doesn’t mean the first CONSECUTIVE WOD Finisher hasn’t. Kaite got this T-shirt and so can you. Simply let me know when you get done with your WOD and share that WOD link to your Facebook and tag me. Becuase then you’re part of the #Kobernation.

How Do You Tag Jed On Facebook? 

Watch This:

Complete each WOD for 365 days in a row and let me know by tagging me on social media. That will get you the free WOD finisher Hoodie. I’ll even pay for shipping. Be the first 365 WOD Journey Finisher for the WOD Finisher hoodie. Katie and I are on that journey right now and I’m pretty sure she’ll get it, but you never know stranger things have happened. Therefore, it’s anyone’s game, for now.

For more details Watch this:

Have Fun!

You Got This!

PS: Want more motivation? Tired of the same old crummy routine of life? Rather then going to another newsletter you won’t ACTUALLY read, hop on mine to get your weekly dose: JedKobernusz.com/Newsletter

PSS: If you found this post about the First 365 WOD Journey Finisher and if it brought you value, consider making a donation. Becuase then I can keep helping you out. Go Here To Donate. Thank you for your time, attention and generosity.

Consider sharing this testimony about the First 365 WOD Journey Finisher. I would greatly appreciate your support. (Your comment would mean the world to me because YOU mean the world to me.)

Jed Kobernusz – ACSM-EPC, EMT, CEAS-I, FMS
Certified Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Email: [email protected]

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