Have you ever been falling asleep during the day? That question could be taken one of two ways. First, there’s the obvious, you’re actually falling asleep during the day and second is something that I’ve become aware of, and hope by the end of you reading this, your ability to stay awake during the day will be like night and day.
Being tired is something that comes from having “low energy” right? That’s correct in a sense. When you give away ALL of your energy to everyone else first, it’s no wonder you’re tired. Whether it’s your boss who needs that project done “yesterday” or it your kids who need their sports gear washed “yesterday”. Energy is not lost, it’s only misguided. A scientist (which the name of this scientist leave me at this moment of writing this) has proven that we don’t lose energy or gain energy, we simply put it in different places.
The word focus comes to mind. Getting up at 4 AM daily isn’t easy, it’s necessary. Mentally preparing yourself will stop you from falling asleep during the day and will actually shift your energy. Where you put your focus (and some would say your Love) you put your life. It takes a massive amount of effort at first to shift this focus.
Becuase when your boss, husband, wife and/or your kids need YOU and are depending on YOU to get whatever it is done, you ALWAYS come through. Your focus is on everyone else except yourself. That’s when stress starts to take its toll on your body. That’s when you start falling asleep during the day and not realizing that life is passing you by.
Actually falling asleep during the day isn’t fun, been there and done that. That can be fixed in a pretty quick matter of making time for more sleep. What I’m REALLY getting at is falling asleep during the day and not REALIZING you’re “asleep”. When hours go by from the time you wake up and BOOM, it’s quitting time and you have NO idea what just happened in your day. That’s a VERY scary happening. Now, some of us welcome the mind numbness and I’m not talking to you. I’m talking about the people who despise their job, their home, their LIFE.
When the hours of “being asleep” go by and they become days or even weeks, at what point do you start to realize that your life is passing by you? When will you start asking the bigger questions of life? Like… Who am I? What is my purpose? What is happiness?
There are some people who wake up on Monday, go to work and are asleep until Friday. LIVING for the weekend. Wouldn’t you want to live your life for every MOMENT instead of every weekend? This “sleep” that you’re in has you living your past and not even thinking about your future. That’s what stress does to our body.
Attention People Who Are 35 Years Old And Younger…
Change now, because it has been proven that AFTER the age of 35 it is way MORE difficult to change than after. As human beings, once we hit 35 our neural pathways are set. We’ve matured enough to find some kind of memorized “path” to follow every day. We literally will fall asleep after we turn 35 IF we don’t become familiar with ourselves by looking within for the answers and being confident with what our “gut” says. That “gut” is your instinct telling you your right and trusting that takes practice.
Attention People Who Are Older Than 35 Years Of Age…
It IS possible for you to change. Your life is not over as you know it. Becoming familiar with yourself will take a little longer because you’ve had time to fire and wire those neural pathways of exactly WHO you are. It simply comes down to believing in yourself and self-awareness. Those two traits take a massive shift in the mind because some people have been living in their past for so long that they have to “lose” or a part of themselves has to “die” in order to find a new life.
When we come from a place of loss the change isn’t so easy. After living a life where you are falling asleep during the day you’re going to have to go through some pain because that’s the only way to get past it, is to go THROUGH it. Each day there’s a way to keep yourself awake. Heck, each MOMENT of each day, there’s a way…
Falling Asleep During The Day WILL Stop IF…
If you don’t allow yourself to mentally check out
If you become aware of the things that set you off and make you “go numb”
When you start to realize that there’s a bigger picture of your life
When you start to sit within your own “mind space” for more than just a second to think about your bank account balance or “what’s for dinner”
Becoming aware of each moment of each day, at first, takes constant effort, but just like the time it’s taken to “fall asleep” it will take that amount of time to “wake up”. It may take less time, but that is ultimately up to you. The more focus you have on yourself, faster the energy will come back to you.
So let’s quit falling asleep during the day and wake up with a quick WOD. Inturpt those patterns by continuing your journey and becoming familiar with your movement with today’s WOD.
Have Fun!
You Got This!
PS: Want more motivation? Tired of the same old crummy routine of life? Rather then going to another newsletter you won’t ACTUALLY read, hop on mine to get your weekly dose: JedKobernusz.com/Newsletter
PSS: If you found this WOD about falling asleep during the day brought you value, consider making an in-kind donation. That way I can keep helping you out. Go Here To Donate. Thank you for your time, attention and generosity.
Workout Of The Day (WOD) #238 Falling Asleep During The Day
Warm-Up – 5 Minutes Cardio (At LEAST)
1-6 Rounds
- Squat To Lunge – 1 Minute
- Wide To Narrow Squat Pulse – 1 Minute
- Side Plank Toe Tap Forward/Backward – 1 Minute
Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog Pose
If you have any suggestions, any questions about falling asleep during the day, or want to know more about my services, then please email me at [email protected]
Furthermore please consider sharing this WOD about falling asleep during the day to your favorite social media site. I would greatly appreciate it if you commented below also. (Your comment would mean the world to me too!)