A person will always look for excuses to not doing something if they don’t want to. Excuses will always show up because of your analytical mind. This mindset coaching article will increase your awareness of the excuse train.
Our minds have tracks that are laid down the moment of conception. It’s something that science has shown us over and over again. The neurons can change as we age. When we turn 35 however, it gets a little harder. Not saying it’s impossible, it’s just harder because you’re set in your ways.
Excuses will always show up when we don’t want to do something. Love the process or you’re already losing the game. Each track on the excuse train will always be there because finding anything to do it what we “should” do is what will happen. Meanwhile, you can stop that train just as fast as it starts.
It’s all about self-awareness. Let’s specifically talk about consistency with exercise. Excuses will always show up to not exercise. The way to break through those excuses is to break the patterns leading up to the action. If you always hit snooze when you wake up then stop. If you always eat cereal for breakfast then stop.
When changing patterns it will feel like your body will kick and scream like a Toddler. Meanwhile, your mind will be in charge. The analytical mind won’t bother you because you’ll be operating from a place of pure truth. Unless of course, you’re listening to your analytical mind and not exercising because you’re too tired.
Shutting down the excuse train takes time. We all slip and turn the train back on. It happens to the best of us. What separates you from the 99% who don’t exercise daily are two things.
#1 You’re reading this mindset coaching article
#2 You’ve been working out on a consistent basis since WOD #1 (Daily doing one round minimum)
It’s that kind of dedication that will have a massive ripple effect on your life. Even the closest people to you won’t get what you’re doing. They are the ones who will fuel your excuse train just as much as you do. If that sounds familiar then drop them like a bad habit.
Consistency Is > Intensity
That’s something that I tell myself when the excuse train starts to whistle. No matter what happens throughout the day there is always time for one round. That one round will eventually lead to two, three, four all the way to six rounds. By pure inertia, you will do more all in due time.
The consistency is like a wrecking ball for the excuse train. Excuses will always show up until you swing that wrecking ball at it and derail that damn thing. Once you do that there won’t be much that will stop you.
Today I challenge you to increase your awareness of anything that you think is routine in your life. Ask yourself…
Is this expanding me or making me contract?
If it expands you then keep doing it. If it makes you contract and it brings you the opposite of happiness and joy then get it out of your life. Let me give you permission to get rid of them call me up and I’ll tell them that they are acting like jerks.
So shut down your excuse train for good by finding someone to run with you on your Journey. If you can’t find anyone I’ll be here for you. Email me at [email protected] and I’ll be your buddy.
Have Fun!
You Got This KoberNation!
PS: Want more motivation? Tired of the same old crummy routine of life? Rather then going to another newsletter you won’t ACTUALLY read, hop on mine to get your weekly dose: JedKobernusz.com/Newsletter
PSS: If you found this WOD provided value, consider giving an At-Will Offering. Because then I can keep helping. Go Here To Give. Thank you for your time, attention and generosity.
PSSS: Grab your Consistency Is Greater Than Intensity T-Shirt and Hoodie from Amazon. Simply search YGT Fitness and you’ll be taken to all of the Motivational Shirts.
PSSSS: Lacking consistency and accountability? Or know someone who is? Because the Battle WODs Program has both along with the community of the KoberNation to make you feel loved. JedKobernusz.com/BattleWODs.
Excuses Will Always Show Up | Workout Of The Day (WOD) #306
1-6 Rounds
Warm-Up – 5 Minutes Cardio
- Seated Trunk Twist – 30-40 Reps Total
- 1-2 Minute Plank
- Squat Punches – 60 Reps
- Full Bow Stretches – 30 Reps
Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog Pose
If you have any suggestions or any questions for me with this post or want to know more about my services, consider sending me an email at [email protected].
Thank You For Your Attention Because It’s The Oxygen That Keeps The KoberNation Alive
Certified Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Email: [email protected]
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