Workout Of The Day #41

Quick Efficient Upper Body Movements

Efficient Upper Body Movements

This WOD gives you an efficient upper body workout along with chest movements that will help you stabilize your core. There are many upper body workouts but dare I say that this is the most efficient upper body workout with the most efficient upper body exercises that I have created! Yes I WILL say that!

Your upper body has certain movements that can help regulate your mood and even improve your brain health. There are studies that show a person who has strong triceps generally has better circulation to their brain, in turn that helps you learn and grow.

Those upper body moves are embedded in today’s WOD. Be sure to watch the video to see exactly what the movements are and if you need modifications, those are provided too.

A little sciencey today, but oh well. LOL

Here is today’s workout:

WOD #41 Efficient Upper Body Movements

4 Rounds

  • Tricep Push-ups- 20 reps
  • Knee Pumps – 20 reps each side
  • Reverse Flys – 20 reps
  • Side Leg Raise- 10 reps each side

I just want  you to know how proud I am of you for even trying these exercises!

Catch today’s episode of THE Exercise Physiology Show. I talk about Pattern Interruption, something I learned from one of my mentors (Larry Hochman). Click Here To Watch

Want more information about Efficient Upper Body Movements… GO HERE

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Always remember…

If you are willing to change from the neck up, then you WILL change from the neck down!

I believe in YOU!

Now it’s YOUR turn!

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7 Workout Myths

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