Today’s WOD has the most effective fat loss moves there are.
Fat burning workouts routines don’t have to include hours and hours of “cardio” at a stinky musky gym. You can get an even BETTER fat burning cardio workout from home.
Sometimes the most effective fat loss moves can be the ones we do in our every day life, we just don’t know it.
Today’s WOD also provides fast fat burning exercises and the best part is, you don’t even have to leave the house, unless you NEED to get out of the house due to being with the kids all day and NEED the Escape. On that case, you better head somewhere else to get this WOD done.
Remember it only takes 2 things to achieve any kind of weight loss…
- 15 minutes a day – doesn’t EVEN have to be consecutive… 🙂
- Consistency – commit to what YOU feel you CAN do… Even 1 WOD per week has a MASSIVE amount of value to your mind body and spirit…
#2 is the MOST Important one because if you committed to ONE WOD a week for one year, then that’s fifty-two consecutive sessions. When’s the last time you worked out out 52 times in a row? If you have good for you…
The other thing to think about is the law of averages. By the time you get to 25 consecutive WODs, more times than not, you WILL add another WOD in your week.
Ok, enough talk…
Let’s get to work…
Here it is…
WOD #110 Effective Fat Loss Moves
1 Or 2 Rounds for time…
- 150 Full Body Extensions
- 50 Deadlifts
You Got This!
Let me know your time!
Always remember…
If you are willing to change from the neck up, then you WILL change from the neck down!
Keep up the good work!!
Have an AWESOME day!!
Stay Blessed,
Jed Kobernusz
In the Video below I show you exactly what to do, WITH modifications. If you are looking for more of a 1:1 experience, then email me at [email protected] and let’s talk about what that looks like for you. 🙂
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Jed Kobernusz- B.Sc.-Ex. Sc.
Movement Coach
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Email: [email protected]
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Considering Coaching? Go to my Coaching page to find out more about my approach to weight loss that has helped people to Lose Their Mind Weight FIRST…
PS: For just a couple bucks a day, let me guide you through an exclusive process with TREMENDOUS results and the best part is that I’ve used it and I KNOW will benefit you too… Click Here To Get StartedÂ
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