Have you ever wondered how other people don’t gain weight by eating their guilty pleasure foods? Well today I talk about that exact topic. Eating guilty pleasure foods without gaining weight takes some thought, but it can be done.

It’s simple really…

I have a guilty pleasure that’s NOT food related. Watch the video below and see what it is. But when it comes to that cake in the fridge or that ice cream in the freezer, you don’t exactly need it. You only THINK you do.

Did you know the neurotransmitters, in the “gut”, that cause hunger are the SAME ones that tells our body that we are tired? Most of the time when we crave those carbs, like that new brand of chips in the cupboard, we are simply tired. That is if it’s night time of course.

Therefore I’ve found a way to “have” those guilty pleasure foods and NOT gain weight.

Start by sitting down or stopping what you’re doing (unless you’re driving, then keep doing what you’re doing LOL) then think about WHY you want that certain food. Think about how you FEEL. Maybe close your eyes and observe yourself eating that food (again, if you’re driving DON’T close your eyes LOL).

Next, imagine yourself getting all the way to the bottom of the bag or bowl of whatever your guilty pleasure is. Then observe how you feel. My intuition tells me you don’t feel any better about what you just ate. The BEST part about this process is that you get to open your eyes and realize you didn’t even eat that food. You CHOOSE NOT to.


The next time you are craving your guilty pleasure foods late at night, my suggestion is to GO TO BED. If you ignore that advice, then try the visualization technique. You’ll be gad you did because eventually you won’t crave those foods any longer.

Watch the video below for more tips on how to find a VALID personal trainer…

Eating Guilty Pleasure Foods Without Gaining Weight | THE #Physiology Show Episode 13

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Jed Kobernusz
Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach

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