THE Exercise Physiology Show

Easy Empowering Ways To Beat Low Motivation

Easy Empowering Ways To Beat Low Motivation

My belief is that motivation from within. We all have days where we have a lack of motivation. We want to figure out how to motivate people. Really what I hope to accomplish for you today is how to get motivated. Self motivation is one of those things that I have not always had, but at an early age I learned a few tricks. That is what I would like to share with you today. These Easy Empowering Ways To Beat Low Motivation have never failed me…

How to Motivate Yourself…

You have to start to by asking yourself these questions:

How Far Am I Willing To Go?

What am I Willing To Do?

Who Do I Need To Be To Become The Person That I Want To Be?

Ok here we go…

Three Easy Empowering Ways To Beat Low Motivation

#1 I won’t go to bed until ________ <——- Fill in that Blank…

This philosophy has proven itself over and over again. Every day figure out what you want/need/have to get done and don’t go to bed until it is done. Get that done and BOOM! You are empowered with thinking about something, making a list, and checking that thing OFF that list! THAT is success right there!

#2 How much better do I need to be today?

What I do is I compare to yesterday. I take my fingers and spread them apart just so that you can see a little bit of light coming through. THAT is how much better you need to be! It doesn’t take much. That’s the point. Think about that and go through those motions in your head. Be just a little bit better than yesterday. Acknowledge the fact that you ARE and you will be, then it’s done.

#3 Make a list of your bare minimum

What I mean is this: What is your bare minimum that you are going to get done every day?

My List:

  • Workout at LEAST 15 minutes PER day
    • (High Intensity Workouts, That’s why I create Daily WODs)
  • Pack my lunch/meals for the day
  • Do at least 15 minutes of personal development each day

There ya go!

What does YOUR “Until” and “Bare Minimum” look like?

I would LOVE to hear about it!

Comment below or contact me and we can chat!

If you want more ideas on this topic GO HERE

Was this helpful? Feel free to share with your friends if you got value. I would love to hear from you to know which part hit you the most.

Always remember…

If you are willing to change from the neck up, then you WILL change from the neck down!

I believe in YOU!

Now it’s YOUR turn!

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