Effective Movement: Dive Bomber Push Ups

The all mighty push up is one of the best exercises a person can do. Therefore in today’s WOD I wanted to bring efficiency to the table with the dive bomber push ups. We all may or may not have hours on end to spend at the gym, therefore I have created this WOD for it’s effective movements.

The dive bomber push up benefits out weigh the precautions:

  1. They help with the total body and include some extension AND flexion of your lower body
  2. Dive Bomber push up modifications are pretty much the same as a regular modification and are still more effective than regular push ups
  3. They are more effective than regular push ups when it comes to strengthening the total body

So a question that I get from clients is…

What muscles do dive bomber push ups work?

Basically it’s a total body movement but specific muscle worked are your pectorals, deltoids, triceps, biceps, latissimus dorsi, subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor and the list could go on forever! LOL

Another question that I get is…

How Do I do a dive bomber push up properly?

Start in a down dog position with your hands and feet on the floor or mat and your butt pushed up as high as you can toward the ceiling. Essentially, you form an upside down V shape.

Placement of your your hands are will be moderately wider than your shoulders and your back should stay straight, rather than hunched. Keep your heels pressing down into the floor (if they don’t touch don’t worry too much) to create a stretch in your hamstrings.

Lower your shoulders and bring your chest to barely touch the ground. Dive through your arms as your chest arches up between your arms and you look up toward the ceiling. Pause for a count or two.

Lastly, reverse the movement. Lower your chest back down toward the ground and then your hips up toward the ceiling. At first, you might be able to do just a few dive bomber push ups with good form, but work up to a set of five to 10 total repetitions.

While we are speaking about push-ups, let’s talk about diamond push-ups. My clients ask me this question too:

Are diamond push ups good for you?

The old school way of doing push ups are a simple way to target your pectoral muscles, but with a slight shift in your hand position and by tucking your elbows under your shoulders, you change the exercise and articulation entirely. Diamond push ups, aka close-grip push ups, are the best strengthening exercise for your triceps according to the American Council on Exercise.

If you looking for a better way to fire the triceps with of a set of old school push ups, you won’t find a better exercise than the diamond push up. This exercise targets your triceps, the large muscles found in your upper arms, usually referred to as underarm flab or bat wings. Your triceps contribute to the extension of your elbows and extension and adduction of your shoulders. Other muscles, including your pecs, deltoids, biceps, abs, obliques, and quads, also get a workout when you perform diamond pushups.

So with all of this talk about muscles let’s get to today’s WOD…

WOD #36 Effective Movement: Dive Bomber Push Ups

1-3 Rounds
Warm-Up – 5 Minutes Cardio (At Least)

  • Dive Bomber Push Ups – 10 reps
  • Sitting Dips – 10 reps
  • Reverse Flys – 20 Reps

Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog Pose

This one is a little shorter, so if you need to do more than 3 rounds, Go For It!

If you want a video of what this looks like see it below…

Have fun and let me know how you like the Dive Bomber Push Ups.

Be sure to check out today’s episode of THE Exercise Physiology Show. I talk about timing and what it takes to find the TRUE change in the month of February… Go Here To Watch

If you have any suggestions for me or want to know more about what I can do for you, then please email me at [email protected]

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