Have you ever tried Yoga before? My guess is that you’ve either went to a class and it was WAY to hard or you bought a DVD and it was also WAY to hard. Today’s WOD is a different kind of yoga.

When I did this kind of Yoga it was really cool. There is no real explanation for the kind of Yoga you’re about to try. It’s a mix of Vinyasa and Hatha. Slow and steady movement is the name of the game today.

As a result of today’s Yoga flow you may or may not think it was hard. Some parts will be hard and some parts will be easy. That’s true for every kind of new movement introduced to your body. I don’t have any rhyme or reason for today’s WOD. Therefore you can simply get right to it.


Be ready for new movements. It doesn’t matter what kind of Yoga you try, but it does matter if you WANT to do it. Today’s WOD is a different kind of Yoga and I hope when you’re done with it, you’ll like to try other kinds of Yoga.

So let’s get right to the video shall we?

Oh, and I don’t say ONE word in this video… Except for the intro, like always…

WOD #181 Different Kind Of Yoga Flow
(Video Only)

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Jed Kobernusz
Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach

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Email: [email protected]

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