conquering negative emotional pullNegativity is something that can have a major effect on our lives IF we let it. today you will be conquering negative emotional pull by doing something most have never imagined doing.


Now, while you won’t be able to do FULL Pull-Ups, you will be doing simulated ones. Which in all reality the body doesn’t know the difference. Performing a Pull-Up is quite the accomplishment and that alone will get you to go to the positive side of life.

When I first starting doing the Floor Pull-Up I didn’t even think it would help and to be really honest, I thought it was a waste of time.

Therefore the exercise was written off in my mind. But when I tried it, it felt EXACTLY like the a real Pull-Up!

The first thing I noticed was the fact that I could change how hard the move was simply by the placement of my legs. In the video I show you exactly how to make a pull-up easier while still keeping the integrity of the movement.

Since then, I’ve been able to move to a bar and complete 20-40 reps all at one time and the best part is it all started with a piece of cardboard.

Negativity is something that you can either let in or suffocate. I’ve chose to suffocate it and eliminate the people that I hang around that are negative. And by eliminate I mean not hang around them anymore… (What the heck were YOU thinking I meant!?? LOL)

How did I do that?

By becoming aware of the negativity around me and not contributing to it. Aka Listening. Crazy right? Listening is the most powerful way to increase awareness.

So let’s get to the conquering negative emotional pull shall we?

WOD #192 Conquering Negative Emotional Pull

Warm-Up – 5 Minutes Cardio

1-6 Rounds
Reps Each Movement: 10-20

  • Squats
  • Floor Pull-Ups (Gunna Need A Piece Of Cardboard)
  • Belly Opposite Arm / Heel Touches

Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog Pose

Have Fun!

You Got This!

If you have any suggestions for me or want to know more about what I can do for you, then please email me at [email protected]

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Jed Kobernusz
Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach

Jed Kobernusz’s Coaching Blog
Email: [email protected]

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