Making correlations through movies has been something I’ve been doing since I was a kid. Even girly ones like The Little Mermaid. In that movie, Ariel (Jodi Benson) sings the song Part Of That World. This mindset coaching article will bridge the gap for the person who thinks being part of that world of happiness is one thought away.
The song is beautiful and the imagery is perfect. A princess who, from the outside looking in, has everything. Because there are many people out there doing this and acting like this we are snowed into thinking that they have it all. When in reality they are empty inside.
The entire thesis of the 365 WOD Journey is to change from the inside first. Trying to fill the void with external things, people and places are exactly what Ariel and people in our wild do. There are authentic people but there though. Being part of that world is what you’re doing daily because consistency is greater than intensity.
From the outside looking in Ariel wanted to walk and dance and play. There are many people who wish they can do those things and they don’t even have fins (Hahahahahaha). Meanwhile, you’re doing the WODs every single day and people are asking what you’re doing. Gladly you give them the key.
It’s up to them to unlock their own jail cell if they choose to do so. Above all the only person who can save them is themselves.
So many people want to be entertained so they can escape their lives. It’s like they aren’t happy with what they have ever. My intuition tells me that there are people praying for what you have now, so it’s time to operate from a place of gratitude. Above all, you are a part of that world because of your dedication to yourself.
It’s time to reach within and become that person today. You are a part of that world. The world of health and wellness. Shut down the analytical mind and defy your old self. Each day you do that being part of that world on the inside also shows in the outside.
Go and see what made of on this day.
Have Fun!
You Got This KoberNation!
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PSSSS: Lacking consistency and accountability? Or know someone who is? Because the Battle WODs Program has both along with the community of the KoberNation to make you feel loved, please share it.
Being Part Of That World | Workout Of The Day (WOD) #309
1-6 Rounds | Do 30 Reps Total Each Movement
Warm-Up – 5 Minutes Cardio
- Single Leg Deadlift
- Batmans
- Prone Walkouts
- Scissor Kicks
Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog Pose
If you have any suggestions or any questions for me with this post or want to know more about my services, consider sending me an email at [email protected].
Thank You For Your Attention Because It’s The Oxygen That Keeps The KoberNation Alive
Certified Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Email: [email protected]
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