Looking for fun exercises and an awesome kid friendly workout? Then look no further because workout of the day number one hundred and twelve is where it’s at.
It’s always entertaining for me to watch my kids run around. What’s even better is the fact that they WANT to BE active. Kid friendly exercises didn’t even exist when I was a kid. We just went outside and played.
The crazy part is we are becoming a society that has to search the internet FOR fun exercises for kids. In the video for WOD #112 my daughter and son are right there with me trying to do the exercises. They don’t know any different of what’s fun or not and that is one of the coolest things, as a parent, I can teach them.
You could also play exercise games with your kids. You could do each WOD for time. Meaning whoever gets it done first gets the last cookie in the cookie jar. Creating a competitive household can teach your children at an early age that working hard pays off. Be sure to find equal exercising games so that all the kids have a “fair chance.” Just sayin… 😉
So I hope you, your kids, nieces, nephews and other children have fun with today’s WOD…
Here it is…
WOD #112 Awesome Kid Friendly Workout
20 seconds on as hard as you can |Â 10 seconds rest
3 Rounds
- Triceps Extension
- Tricep Push Ups
- Low Plank Hold
- Dips
You Got This!
Have an awesome day!
Always remember…
If you are willing to change from then neck up, then you WILL change from the neck down!
In the Video below I show you exactly what to do, WITH modifications. If you are looking for more of a 1:1 experience, then email me at [email protected] and let’s talk about what that looks like for you. 🙂
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Jed Kobernusz – B.Sc.-Ex. Sc.
Movement Coach
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