Addicted To Good TVHave you ever been watching a show and at the end of that episode they hit you with some serious and dramatic ending? Do you feel it in your body? Does your heart beat really fast? Are your emotions running high and all crazy like? Well, that’s what it feels like to be in a manic state. We are addicted to good TV from those experiences.

Here’s how your body, like TV, reacts to the WODs. When you complete one round your body gets, even more, warmed up. This is assuming you did your 5 minutes of warm up. It’s just like watching the first part of a TV show. The first ten minutes provide you with the introduction to the episode’s plotline. Your bodies physiology is being challenged because of the consistency you’ve been able to accomplish.

At the end of a good tv show or movie have you ever been short of breath, heart racing, and high anxiety? Can you imagine if you felt like that all day? Not having enough time, or at least feeling like it. Doing nothing more than spinning round and round. A manic state feels just like that. It’s because those experiences we are addicted to good TV.

That’s also what I’ve learned and applied to each WOD. To mimic that same emotional state. When you’re feeling good and had a good experience, you’ll want to do it again. Being a good coach and even better personal trainer is what it’s all about. Listening to what people say about their favorite TV shows. Then taking that Intel and applying it to movement. Also, it comes down to attention. Attention is the asset. Because I have your attention right now, I want to sincerely thank you.

What we put our attention on is where we put our love.

To take that a step further would be to say…

Where we put our love, we put our life. A band/group called Mumford and Sons has an amazing song that inspired me to write a blog post about that subject and my intuition tells me you’d like it. Go Here to read it and if you find something cool about please share it with someone who’d like it too.

So on a side note, 2018 has felt just like a TV series. It’s because there’s been drama, love, loss, new relationships, and much much more. It’s been an awesome year so far. For those who think adversity is a bad thing, you’re sadly mistaken. All good TV shows bring you from your current state of emotions to some alternate realm of stress. Then they make you feel good at the end. It’s a good date. That’s what I feel 2018 has been like. A good date.

Our lives can be what we want them to be, it’s only when we are ready to accept the new experiences is when they show up. As a Movement Coach, I don’t only help those move more or differently physically, I help with mental breakthroughs too. The only way I can help is when someone is ready to receive the help THEY are looking for.

Recognizing that is my gift. When I first started this journey I was under the impression that I could save the world and by world, I mean every person on this planet. Now, I’ve redefined my term world. I CAN save the world, it’s now a world that looks for ME to save IT. Versus me looking for it to save ME. Therefore people are coming from all directions now to work with me

Let that sink in and email me at [email protected] if you’d like to talk more about IF you’re ready to receive the help that you’ve always been looking for. We are addicted to good TV because we go through the chemical cocktail of emotions and want more. Become addicted to exercise, movement and practicing healthy habits with consistency, determination, and community. You’ll feel better with each WOD finished on a consistent basis. If you get addicted to exercise it won’t hurt you. No more excuses, just show up.

Have fun!

You Got This

PS: Want more motivation? Tired of the same old crummy routine of life? Rather then going to another newsletter you won’t ACTUALLY read, hop on mine to get your weekly dose:

PSS: If you found this WOD about how we are addicted to good TV, then consider giving an At-Will Offering. Because then I can keep helping. Go Here To Contribute. Thank you for your time, attention and generosity.

Addicted To Good TV | Workout Of The Day (WOD) #261

1-6 Rounds
Warm-Up – 5 Minutes Cardio

  • Push-Ups 20 Reps
  • Sit-Ups – 20 Reps
  • Plank – 1 Minute
  • Scissor Kicks – 30 Reps Total

Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog Pose

If you have any suggestions or any questions for me with this post about how are addicted to good TV or want to know more about my services, then please email me at [email protected].

Thank You For Your Attention

Certified Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Email: [email protected]

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