Ever since I started the doing the WODs daily I noticed my body changing in a way that I never thought possible with such a little amount of work. You have 23 hours and fifty minutes to recover. At the very least it will take you 90 Seconds to complete a WOD.
Too many people discredit small amounts of intentional work. What I mean by that is just because a “workout” isn’t intense doesn’t mean there aren’t benefits to be had. Since the early sixties, the concept of sweating equals hard work has been engrained in our head. Just because you don’t sweat it doesn’t mean that your body isn’t getting any benefit.
Once you’ve completed at last one round of your WOD you have 23 hours and fifty minutes to recover. That’s just an average of course because sometimes it will be longer and sometimes it will take shorter. That’s what it’s all about though is averages. No matter what happens from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed, commit to one round.
When you choose to commit to one round per day you’d be surprised on what other choices you make throughout the day. Instead of having two pieces of cake and a pop you’ll have half a piece and skip the pop. After you acquire the consistency to get one round of a WOD done each day you won’t want to mess anything up. Because you’ve worked too hard and have been consistent too long. After each WOD you have 23 hours and fifty minutes to recover.
That doesn’t seem like a ton of time, but because I’ve created each WOD with intentions of recovery in mind. With that mindset of your primary and secondary muscles you won’t over train them. Sometimes it will feel like some movements simply go on forever. It’s because of that feeling is why I change it up every single WOD. It takes a certain level of fortitude you’ll need to be so consistent because you’re going to have people tell you that 23 hours and fifty minutes to recover isn’t enough. I assure you it is.
It’s time to put the rubber to the road and get today’s WOD done.
Have Fun!
You Got This!
PS: Want more motivation? Tired of the same old crummy routine of life? Rather then going to another newsletter you won’t ACTUALLY read, hop on mine to get your weekly dose: JedKobernusz.com/Newsletter
PSS: If you found this WOD about how you have 23 hours and fifty minutes to recover, then consider an offering. Because then I can keep helping you out. Go Here To Contribute. Thank you for your time, attention and generosity.
23 Hours And Fifty Minutes To Recover | Workout Of The Day (WOD) #256
1-6 Rounds
Warm-Up – 5 Minutes Cardio
- Falling Towers – 20 Reps
- Bear Squats – 20 Reps
- Boat Exercise / Stretch – 20 Reps
- Full Body Extensions – 40 Reps
Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Dog Pose
If you have any suggestions or any questions for me with this post about how going on a diet only implies one thing, or want to know more about my services, then please email me at [email protected]
Thank You For You Attention
Certified Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Email: [email protected]
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