WOD #166 was created to keep the doctor away so I figured I would keep going with it and make an entire week/series out of it. WOD #167 is about 100 Reps Continue 2 Double Progress.

The movement of choice makes no difference. Starting this week with push-ups, squats, sit-ups, lunges or any other movement is only the beginning of this series.

Today’s WOD is, however, specific in it’s creation. You got to choose your exercise in WOD 166. With WOD #167 I give you a specific movement. In the video below you be given that movement.

This series is designed to challenge you mentally more than physically. We as human beings like routine. This is far from a usual routine because you are doing one movement over and over again.

By the end of the series it will feel like routine and then we switch it up again. That is the beauty of these daily WODs. Keeping the body guessing is the biggest advantage to a person can have. Therefore plateau’s won’t be any kind of a problem.

So watch the video below and let’s get going…

WOD #167 100 Reps Continue 2 Double Progress

1 – 6 Rounds
Reps: 100
Warm Up – 5 Minutes of cardio
  • 100 Push – Ups ( If you did push-ups yesterday, than do squats today)

Cool Down- 5 Deep breaths in Down Dog Pose / Child’s pose OR 10 deeps breaths just sitting quietly

Have fun!

You Got This!

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Jed Kobernusz
Exercise Physiologist
Movement Coach

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Email: [email protected]

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