Mixing Movement Punches Recklessly

Mixing Movement Punches Recklessly

Have you ever gotten so mad that you just wanted to punch something, but was worried you would get hurt? Well today’s WOD helps you by mixing movement punches recklessly without getting hurt. Many times I have gotten so mad that all I wanted to do is just punch...
Effective Low Impact Movement

Effective Low Impact Movement

Many times we think to lose weight we have to go “all out” and it has to hurt. Well I am here today to inform you that with WOD #87 it is effective low impact movement that helps with weight loss. Low impact weight loss exercises are great because when...
Loving All Movement Possibilities

Loving All Movement Possibilities

Possibilities are endless when it comes to thinking of them in the right way. With today’s workout I would hope that you would be loving all movement possibilities and coming from a place of truth versus a place disbelief. When we were kids we didn’t have...

Full Body Movement Experience

Have you ever had an out of body experience? How about a FULL body movement experience? THAT’s what today’s WOD is all about… There is something to be said about exercise and out of body experiences. When I ran in college I use to get a...
Upper Body Movement Theory

Upper Body Movement Theory

Theories about strength versus cardio and upper body and lower body days, but my Upper Body Movement Theory is very simple. There are a million workouts to do, but until you are consistent with them they are all worthless. Upper Body Movement Theory This theory is...

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