Everything Is Not What It Seems

Everything Is Not What It Seems

Today’s world is full of hype and fake news. But do we really know what is fake and what is real anymore? Everything is not what it seems. This mindset coaching article will help you separate the facts from fiction in the Wild West times of the Internet and TV. Since...
While They Are Losing We Are Gaining

While They Are Losing We Are Gaining

Back in the early 2000s, the Biggest Loser made being a loser sound awesome. I’m not saying anyone is a loser and losing isn’t good. While they are losing we are gaining much more as the community of the KoberNation. This mindset coaching article comes from a place of...
One Bad Apple Ruins Everything

One Bad Apple Ruins Everything

Have you ever been on a team or crew that was so awesome? Everyone on that team was amazing except one person. That one bad apple ruins everything. This mindset coaching article will help you get past that bad apple and help you stop second-guessing yourself. Because...
Failing Has Become Popular

Failing Has Become Popular

When I was a kid failure meant it was the end of the world. When did failing become popular? This mindset coaching article will help you realize that failing has become popular and failing is exactly what you need in order to move forward. Before I started doing these...
Life Is Too Short To Get That Bent

Life Is Too Short To Get That Bent

This mindset coaching article comes from a place of perspective. Life is too short to get that bent about anything. that’s a saying that I’ve been living by since my children have come into this world. I’m not saying every moment is perfect, but as...

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